A man who was "resurrected" by a controversial pastor would still be dead, this time for good


Animations from Monday, April 8, 2019

Source: Celebritiesbuzz.com


Resurrect Man Ad.jpeg Elliot reportedly "resurrected" by controversial pastor Alph Lakau

According to reports, the man who was "resurrected from the dead" by the South African prophet, Pastor Alph Lukau in February, died.

Brighton Elliot Moyo, of Zimbabwe, made headlines around the world after a video in which he was resurrected three days later, although Pastor Lukau recanted his statements and accused Moyo's family of organizing the miracle.

According to local H-Metro, Brighton died last week in the village of St Luke in South Africa. Unfortunately for Brighton, there was no resurrection this time and he was buried on Saturday. His wife survived him only because they did not have any children. A close family member who spoke to H-Metro said:

"His stomach started to swell and did not stop for three days and he died on the third day."

According to other reports, when Brighton joined Lukau's Alleluia Ministries International, he was reportedly HIV positive and had kidney failure and tuberculosis.

Once contacted, church officials pointed out that what happened in February was not a miracle.

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