A ModernGhana reporter, Britwum, showed visible attack signs – police report


General News of Thursday, July 11, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


Modern speaker Two journalists from ModernGhana with Samson Lardy Anyenini

ModernGhana journalist Emmanuel Britwum showed the police "visible signs" of badault after his arrest by national security agents.

A police complaint form reports on this testimony when he reported on June 27.

The journalist is at the center of the controversy after reporting that he was charged with making allegations of aggression to the GJA at a press conference organized by the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) condemning l & # 39; incident.

Lawyers brought in by and supported by an NGO had to represent the journalist.

But at sunset after the press conference, Britwum had denied being badaulted.

He had a new legal adviser and a few days later he was coached at the press conference on July 2nd.

However, new details indicate five clear days before the meeting with GJA-backed lawyers, the reporter told police in Legon, Accra, saying that he had been badaulted.

He filed the complaint without a lawyer and was accompanied by the company's manager, his brother and his publisher, Emmanuel Ajarfor, who claimed to have been badaulted.

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