A new book reveals ways to overcome insomnia with the help of meditation


Meditations for sleep by CM Hamilton

(MENAFN – PRLog) With a unique approach to restorative and healthy sleep, this brilliant book provides information, suggestions, sleep patterns and specific meditation techniques that can be used effectively to overcome insomnia and gain better sleep. CM Hamilton's Meditations for Sleep Spread the Word
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LONDON – April 6, 2019 – PRLog – CM Hamilton's new book titled "Meditations for Sleep: Overcome Insomnia and Sleep Well" provides information, suggestions, habits, tactics and meditation techniques specific that can be used effectively to sleep better. Recent research continues to show how important sleep is to health and well-being throughout life. Quality sleep can help protect your physical and mental health and improve quality of life and performance in many areas. There are many things you can do to improve your sleep and meditation can offer additional benefits, as described in this excellent reference book.

CM Hamilton continues his series of successes on meditation techniques with this book full of information, ideas and meditations that he used to solve his own sleep problems. He explains, "One of the reasons I have studied meditation and put together so many meditation techniques over the years is to help me through temporary periods of acute insomnia. This section describes the sleep routines, habits, and specific meditation techniques that helped me. short book, "Meditations for sleep: overcoming insomnia and sleeping well".

According to the description of the book: "Meditations for Sleep" provides an overview of sleep and insomnia, describes some common sleep problems and offers many solutions. The book also provides simple and clear instructions on 21 meditation techniques, including mindfulness, breathing and visualization.We all know what is sleep, but this essential part of our life is far from # 39: be simple: the transition from the conscious waking state to the state of unconscious sleep is almost instantaneous: you are awake for a moment and you sleep the next day.Unfortunately, stress, busy schedules and external factors can Make it difficult or impossible to have a perfect sleep pattern There are many things you can do to put yourself in the best position for restful sleep, and the suggestions and meditation techniques in this book have been to overcome periods of acute insomnia. "https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PCKCZZZ

Also by the author
Meditations: 50 meditation techniques and 25 tips to start, improve and maintain a meditation practice. There are many ways to meditate and each person's practice can evolve and evolve over time, in different situations and at different stages of life. The book provides simple and clear instructions for fifty meditation techniques such as mantra, mindfulness, breathing, counting of breathing, relaxation, metta, writing, visualization, and more. body badysis and more. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FC4KY1M

Writing Meditations: 36 prompts to inspire meditative writing. Written meditations are an effective form of meditation and deliberate practice to reflect on important issues and improve decision-making. The book includes thirty-six writing prompts with simple instructions for creating lists, generating ideas and creative solutions, developing plans, as well as for reflection and personal improvement. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JYBQPR4

About the author
CM Hamilton has been collecting meditation techniques and practicing meditation for over 20 years. He has spent most of his life in England and Texas and currently lives in London where he goes to the theater less often than he should. He studied philosophy and finance and did not like the turbulence of airplanes. CM Hamilton has written three books on meditation, including "Meditations: 50 Meditation Techniques," "Writing Meditations," and "Meditations for Sleep."

CM Hamilton


A new book reveals ways to overcome insomnia with the help of meditation

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