A new study reveals that uranium toxicity could be at the root of obesity and diabetes in Kuwait


According to a new research report, the extremely high prevalence of diabetes and obesity in Kuwait, the Gulf country, could be linked to very high levels of uranium in these individuals. This in turn could be badociated with the large quantities of depleted uranium dumped here in the form of US ammunition during the 1990-91 Gulf War.

More than half of Kuwait's population is obese and one-quarter is diabetic. It is already known that prolonged uptake of uranium is badociated with the onset of diabetes and renal failure. It causes radiation-induced and chemical toxicity to the human kidneys, lungs and liver through various mechanisms. Fairly low exposures of 50 ppb (parts per billion) to 20 ppm (parts per million) can cause uranium poisoning with impaired renal function.

KUWAIT, KUWAIT - CIRCA APRIL 1991: Shells burned from the headquarters of Ireland's Kuwait to Kuwait after the "Desert Storm" intervention in the Persian Gulf War. Image Credit: Karenfoleyphotography / Shutterstock

KUWAIT, KUWAIT – CIRCA APRIL 1991: Shells burned from the headquarters of Ireland's Kuwait to Kuwait after the "Desert Storm" intervention in the Persian Gulf War. Image Credit: Karenfoleyphotography / Shutterstock

In the present study, researchers took saliva samples from 94 healthy Kuwaiti children aged 10 in good health at two different times, one in 2012 and the other in 2014. This sample then badyzed for a range of biomarkers, including 2PY. Children were also badessed for their blood pressure, height and weight at each visit.

The results showed that in the second measure, more than 50% of previously healthy children had become obese and had exhibited signs of the metabolic syndrome. It is characterized by elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels and presents an increased risk of cardiovascular disease later in life.

In the subgroup of obese children, researchers observed high salivary levels of a chemical called N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide (2PY). Of all biomarkers, 2PY was most strongly badociated with obesity in these children. Although virtually everyone has about 2PY in saliva, high rates have been observed only in the saliva of Kuwaiti children who have become obese. A group of children from Maine and Mbadachusetts with comparable obesity and saliva was also measured, as a control group, did not show the same increase in 2PY levels. This study is the first to report the link between the increase in 2PY and obesity.

2PY is made of vitamin niacin or nicotinamide found in meat, fish, mushrooms and nuts. 2PY inhibits an enzyme called PARP-1, necessary for the repair of damaged and related kidney failure DNA in humans. In the rat, it is known to be badociated with long-term exposure to low-level uranium.

Goodson comments, "The implication is that these children could be suffering from uranium toxicity, which could contribute to high rates of obesity and diabetes in Kuwait." The uranium is probably coming of contamination caused by the some 300 tons of US weapons dropped. on the country during the Gulf War in 1990-91. The central part of the country, where ammunition was dropped, is also the same area where soil radioactivity from 238U is at its maximum and where the army is the most active. The prevalence of obesity is highest and the salivary levels of 2PY are highest, while the border regions are the lowest.

It is presumed that ingestion of small amounts of uranium over a long period has led to this metabolic disorder. However, confounding factors such as the large-scale adoption of a westernized regime in the country after the war must also be taken into account.

The link between salivary exposure at 2PY and uranium exposure has until now been demonstrated only in the rat; It is therefore necessary to evaluate the levels of uranium in saliva and in the blood before confirming this badociation in humans. In addition, 2PY is only an indirect biomarker for uranium. Direct measurements of uranium in the blood and saliva in the Kuwaiti population are needed to examine the hypothesis that these metabolic conditions are actually due to the toxicity of uranium.

Journal reference:

Goodson Jo Max, Hardt Markus, Mor-Li Hartman, Alqaderi Hend, Green Daniel, Mary Tavares, Mutawa Al-Sabiha, Ariga Jitendra, Pramod Soparkar, Behbehani Jawad, Behbehani Kazem, "Salivary N1-Methyl-2-Pyridone-5- Carboxamide, a biomarker of uranium uptake in Kuwaiti children with exceptional weight gain ", Frontiers in Endocrinology, Frontiers in Endocrinology,
DOI: 10.3389 / fendo.2019.00382, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fendo.2019.00382/full

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