A new study reveals the number of steps needed per day to reduce your risk of death


For years, we have been told that we should do at least 10,000 steps a day – but now we could have an excuse to be a little lazy.

A new study found that those who took half of this amount each day reduced their risk of premature death by more than 40%.

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The Brigham and Women's Hospital study tracked more than 16,000 older women and measured their footsteps daily over a seven-day period.

They found that women who averaged about 4,400 steps per day had a significantly lower mortality rate after four years than women who took about 2,700 steps per day.

As the number of steps per day increased, mortality rates gradually decreased – but after 7,500 steps per day, no effect on mortality rates was observed.

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Although we do not know exactly where the objective of 10,000 steps, the study speculates that it probably comes from the trade name of a pedometer sold in 1965, Manpo -kei, which translates into Japanese by 10,000 steps. .

Smartphone apps and wearable technologies often use the default 10,000 step goal.

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