A policeman forces a woman to pick up garbage from the street for garbage


Regional News from Saturday, July 13, 2019

Source: clbadfmonline.com


Woman Kejetia Litter Woman driven by police to clear part of Kejetia road

A Ghana police officer was captured in photos, forcing a woman who threw waste from a moving car to disembark and pick up all garbage along the stretch of Kejetia Road in Kumasi, where she threw out a cargo bay.

The images were widely distributed on social media.

Not long ago, a citizen filmed himself by forcing an Indian who had dumped plastic waste on the Accra-Tema highway while driving, stopping, walking to where he was. had thrown away his garbage and was picking them up.

In addition, last September, a middle-aged Chinese man was forced to pick up his own faeces after being caught sitting in the garden of a Ghanaian with whom he shared a meal. border.

The location of the incident is not clear, but the English speaking speaking occupants and twi of the property have clashed with the Chinese while filming the case on their cell phone.

The Chinese, who, in his embarrbadment, were hastily wiping themselves with a paper handkerchief, continued to apologize, abruptly slashing his "enterprise" and hastily carrying his underpants and trousers.

Ghanaians insisted that the Chinese retrieve their own excrement from their property and transfer it to their neighboring lands.

The Chinese asked his Ghanaian driver to clean him in his name, but he was forced to do it himself, because the excrement was his own and not his driver's.

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