A rider kills a mountain lion after his attack in Colorado


US wildlife officials said that a man who had fought a young mountain lion on a trail in northern Colorado had killed the animal in the stuffy.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife said that the man was running alone when the lion attacked him from behind after the move apparently triggered his hunting instinct.

The runner, whose name was not disclosed, fought the cougar, left the area after the attack on Monday and drove to the hospital. He suffered facial cuts, wrist injuries and puncture wounds to the arms, legs and back.

The man was running alone when the lion attacked him from behind.


The man was running alone when the lion attacked him from behind.

On Tuesday, Colorado Parks and Wildlife said the investigation had confirmed the man's account that he had choked the animal.

* Lion mauls South African owner of the sanctuary in the enclosure
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Mountain lion attacks are rare. Sixteen people have been injured and three have been killed by mountain lions in Colorado since 1990.

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