A student from Konkomba demands the arrest of Blakk Rasta during the Konkomba-Chokosi conflict


Blakk RastaBlakk Rasta

The Chereponi conflict between Konkombas and Chokosis raged so violently that, rather than extinguishing it, the efforts of the government and well-intentioned opinion leaders seem to weaken its flames. What factors, in total, explain this riddle that has plunged the government of Ghana into confusion? In his response to the article by Graphic Online titled "Two sentenced to ten years imprisonment for roles in Konkomba, in the Chokosi conflictMawandor Binyam, a student at Konkomba, provides a comprehensive badysis of the immediate factors as well as the distant factors at the root of the conflict, as well as a summary of the different roles played by the two fighting tribes in the clashes of the year. He calls for the arrest of the Ghanaian reggae musician and Zylofon FM radio presenter, Abubakar Ahmed (aka Blakk Rasta)to badist investigations and to recommend to the government and stakeholders to take certain firm measures that will help extinguish the flames and bring lasting peace between the two groups. Below you will find Mr. Binyam's article.


By Mawandor Binyam
E-mail: [email protected]28th May 2019
Introduction: Of all the tribes of northern Ghana, with the exception of the Basares, no other tribe had a close affinity with the Konkombas like Chokosis. In fact, the relationship between the two ethnic groups was once that of peace and fraternal tranquility. The strength of their relational ties can be judged by the number of centuries it took the two tribes to build and maintain. And even during the same centuries, their friendships had been rewarded by open trade and unrestricted marriages blessed by relatives of tribal or interethnic groups. Previously, they were safe, but since June 2018, this solid relationship that has lasted for centuries has been broken and has become one of deadly hostility. What are the remote and immediate causes of the clashes? Why are efforts to extinguish the flames produce no significant results?

The growth and development of clashes
In June 2018, there was a minor clash on two agricultural plots that resulted in the death of two Konkombas. Then Konkomba Chiefs and KOYA called for a ceasefire and dialogue, with KOYA calling on the leaders of the two tribes to give peace a chance.

In early January 2019, a second clash erupted. The Chokosis were the first to burn Konkomba communities and, once again, they killed Konkombas. Here too, KOYA, the Ministry of Peace and KONSU called for a ceasefire and dialogue through press releases and warned the media against caution in their reporting. The government imposed curfews and set up an inquiry committee to investigate the matter and advise the government on what needs to be done.

Title of the warrior Blakk Rasta: This is where the famous Ghanaian reggae musician and Zylofon FM radio host, Abubakar Ahmed, aka Blakk RastaConfused by the ghostly results of the first clashes, he went on national radio to exaggerate Chokosis as the undefeated warrior of all history. This is where the "history teacher" gave his "inaugural lecture" to the Ghanaian public on the meaning of Chokosi, "Twa ko if" meaning unstoppable.

What motivated this powerful star to go down so low to disappoint his fans? Why did not he take advantage of his gifts to speak, his music and his influence to fight through the waves the dark clouds hanging over the horizon? Since when has Ghana opened the game to warrior titles and trophies? Does Rasta like the bloodbath scene resulting from ethnic clashes? Did he engage in a personal promotion business as a supporter of Chokosis, or was he hired by them to ride the airwaves to their "advantage"? Only heaven knows.

Nobody is invincible except God: Frankly, history bears witness to the rise and fall of kings and kingdoms. No kingdom, nation, tribe or individual is invincible, with the exception of God and his kingdom. They can get up today, but they will fall tomorrow. Even with political parties! They will not reign forever! And usually, pride is the stumbling block. Eliminate this stumbling block. Babel, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persians, Greece and Rome stood up and fell with their kings.

However, the erroneous statement of the radio presenter did not fail to produce undesirable results.

First, he further inflated Chokosis's ego and encouraged them to train Konkombas in an exercise they are reluctant to engage in, given the consequences. And this was then recited by Chokosis in their press releases during the clashes that followed.

Secondly, he sent a message to Konkombas in the territory telling him that what they considered child's play was a battle for the warrior's title / trophy, at least from Blakk Rasta's point of view and Chokosis' point of view. One may wonder if Blakk Rasta is aware that the right to freedom of speech has its limits.

On March 15, 2019, as soon as the fact-finding committee had submitted its report, the third clash erupted. And why? That a Togolese Chokosi named Fahad Jababu Sulley was shot dead in Nawieku, a village in Chokosi, during a wedding ceremony (or graduation ceremony) organized by a stranger during the hours of cover. fire. The Chokosis claimed that the Konkombas of the Nangbong community were responsible for the incident. As a result, they mobilized forces against the Konkomba in the village of Nangbong and eventually set it on fire as well as other communities in Konkomba, extending the devastation to other districts. Speaking to Joy News about the resumption of the clashes, the District Director General (DCE), the Hon. Tahiru Abdul-Razak reported the following:

"Between 22h and 23h, eeh, a community known as Nawieku, who are Chokosis, were getting married then the, eh, Konkombas of Nangbong came and attacked them. But as to what caused the attack this morning, I do not know. But I heard that the Konkombas went to encircle a community known as … [interruption] which is also closer to a Konkomba community. As I speak, I have seventy-five (75) military on the ground, police officers … [not clear enough] as I speak with you. "

It is there that the Hon. Tahiru made a big mistake. This is a biased, unverified report that contradicts testimonials from other Chokosis and media reports. The WFD showed that, for him, his inclinations for natural ties were stronger than his wishes and political obligations. Here he confirmed Konkombas's allegations against him as discriminatory against the conflict. Konkombas also claimed that the DCE was not content to provide weapons to Chokosis, his car was also used to help Chokosis attack them.

I believe that it was at the very beginning of this confrontation that Ya Naa, the supreme leader of the Dagbon Traditional Council (DTC), felt the danger and invited the "supreme" leaders of Konkombas and Chokosis to go to his home. palace and advised them to stop the fire. But the Lord himself has been despised! Just when Chokosis declared himself the winner, the 'game' turned! This hurt the ego of Chokosis. It is in this statement that Abdul Samed, the "ruler" of Tafo's branch of "Progressive Anufor Union," was irritated in a disrespectful press release to the president of the nation, either to relieve the Minister of Defense from his duty, cease-fire, or remove security personnel from the conflict zone to allow a face-to-face fight between the two tribes. But when the MoFN (Movement for Nkpakpaando) reacted in a press release and called for his arrest, hinting that Samed's statement tended to unbalance the nation in genocidal spasms, he came back to apologize publicly. When it was reported that Matthew Gonlan, one of the six or so members of the band of foreign fighters engaged, had been arrested by security and the other missing, the third clash was extinguished. This ended unnaturally, which means that the "men" only played recess. Note that each successive clash takes on a larger scale and devastation and a more significant territorial scope than the previous one.

On a certain Saboba market day, some Chokosis, knowing that Konkombas had gone to Saboba, planned another attack. Fortunately, members of the security team involved in patrol operations discovered dozens of armed Chokosis attacking a community in Konkomba. They were able to arrest about twelve (12) to fourteen (14) people. This incident made the headlines, pushing planned attacks into an unknown future. Yet, in all of this, there has been no single record of the arrest of armed Konkombas wanting to attack Chokosis.

It was during this period of apparent calm that the President and Commander-in-Chief of Ghana's armed forces presented himself to Chereponi during his tour in the Northeast region! Two days later, Konkombas attended a funeral when a certain Chokosis attacked them again without any provocation to their knowledge, again burning the villages of Konkomba. Here is a cause for concern. When will these Chokosis give peace to Konkombas? The time had come for Konkombas to address Chokosis a rethink. Heaven saved the director of coordination of Chereponi district.

The narrow escape from the district coordinating director: The whole world was wondering what had happened to the officer who had been attacked on the road and whose car had been reduced to ashes. There was breathtaking silence about the victim's identity and condition. I think the target was the district chief, because, at least for the Konkombas, he was no longer the DCE, but a bellicose Chokosi on the territory. Even though it was reported that security forces went to the scene to rescue the policeman, everyone wanted to know the state of the premises. Later, it turned out that the officer was none other than the DCD himself who was alleged to have been accused of Konkombas. But he himself responded to a radio interview while he was at the hospital and indicated that he was reacting to the treatment of the gunshot wounds that he had suffered even to the interviewer's surprise. Thank God it was not the archer's poisoned arrow. The story would have been different then, because the archer himself does not have the antidote to his poison. And who knows what impact it would have on the conflict, knowing that the DCD itself is not a Chokosi? It is this event that warned the DCE itself that his own life was in jeopardy.

Tahiru calls for increased security: In a radio interview with a security officer prior to the deployment of the special security commando team in the district, the officer is concerned that Konkombas is "ransacking" the district. When the WFD itself was called to talk about the situation, it stammered and claimed that the safety officer had used "The right adjective"yes, "unleashed" and that "two of my communities are currently being attacked by Konkombas". At the same time, when asked what measures he had taken to ensure calm, he mentioned that he had already spoken to his "chiefs", namely the regional ministers of the Northeastern regions. East and North, who ensured increased security. staff.

I tell you that I would not want to be a WFD, in the circumstances in which the Hon. Tahiru is found. This is a warning to political leaders. They must be fathers for all, not just for the members of their tribe or party. Even the journalist questions the absurdity of the DCE's position that security must offer "protection"For the"attacked Chokosis and striker Konkombas. "The" attacked "had been pushed to the extreme and had found the absolute desperation of their case. Even in the midst of enhanced security, the WFD was still appealing for more.

See how much we are now willing to pay for peace, which has been offered free of charge during a round table dialogue! The unstable peace and quiet that once existed between the two ethnic groups, the waste of bullets and money, the stagnation of socio-economic and politico-religious activities, constant fear and insecurity, devastated lives and property , and the migration of thousands of people to neighboring countries. The real solution is not the call for a reinforcement of the security in order to avoid that some Konkombas provoked on the territory are stuffed. The erroneous statement of Blakk Rasta has produced only incalculable losses!

The WFD has been biased in its reporting. He does not report when Chokosis attacks the communities of Konkombas and the flame. But when Konkomba organizes retaliatory attacks against Chokosis, it is at that moment that you see it running to search for a reinforced security apparatus and from one media to another to win the same. hearing. It is only short-sighted political leaders who allow a wave of discrimination to destroy the fate of their political career. Who knows if Tahiru himself or another Chokosi would ever fight for a candidacy for the parliament or the presidency? And why do you destroy the trust of more than a million Konkombas in you or your brother? L & # 39; Hon. Tahiru's life is not very safe, Mr. President!

It is not for nothing that the Minister of Defense himself, the Hon. Dominic Nitiwul came to call for peace. Let the leaders and leaders of our Chokosi brothers pay attention to the minister's advice to stop pushing these Konkombas. Konkombas will NEVER attack Chokosis without provocation! "If the clouds are full of rain, they [surely will] to empty on the earth. "Eccl 11: 3. Let's stop the game of these fools and show respect for the lives of our subjects and for the peace of the nation.

Who, aside from the leaders and leaders of Chokosi, should know that the man of Konkomba is not a debater? He specializes in the science of agriculture, especially yam production. The late Ubor Binyam I, head of Konkomba Lungni, reportedly said: "The truth is the man's weapon Konkomba and shooting bow his game"! It is this "weakness" that makes him slow to anger. When he asks for peace, do not treat him like a coward. It must also be listened to and taken seriously.

What are the main problems of the conflict? Conflict has three main reasons and religion plays no role. Community fires, persistent calls for the withdrawal of political leaders and accusations against the government, and endless chants of "We are warriors" in press conferences and on social media reveal that clashes are over (1) land ownership, (2) the search for political power and recognition in Chereponi District, and (3) the continuation of the "title / trophy of the warrior Blakk Rasta".

The clashes have nothing to do with religion. Chokosis' badertion that the recent conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims is a clandestine attempt to divert attention from the subject of the conflict. How long does a drowning man grab a floating straw in the hope of ensuring his survival! Let's see the reality, the conflict opposes Konkombas to Chokosis in the district, not between Konkombas and Muslims. Islam is not a single-tribal but hetero-tribal religion. He has members, including Konkombas. At best, leaders of Islamic faith in Ghana should advise Chokosis to renounce such unfounded statements.

Let me talk about some critical historical links that have been overlooked.

The paradox "Mabengbaan": Once upon a time, when the former MP, the hon. Moses Mabengbaan suggested in a parliamentary speech that "the Konkombas are like the Israelites" and that "if you kill a Konkomba, you will repay with a thousand lives," the Chamber sentenced him to a suspension. He should have been trusted as a person who knew his people and the representative. But he was treated as someone who had attributed so much "glory" to them. And what effect did it produce? Intimidation! Nine members of Parliament, including two ministers (a regional deputy minister and the other defense minister) and eight MMDCEs, remained silent in a conflict that involved their people and lasted for a year! Here is what I mean: "A man spoke in Parliament while he was alone, and nine remained dumb!" Ironic, is not it? Why?

Follow me closely: Even when the occasion has come for them to seek a review of the constitutional clause that conferred on the traditional Dagbon Council the traditional authority over Konkombas, the Konkomba legislators have been rather serene. Who else were they waiting to tell the House of Parliament that it is time for Konkombas to have its own traditional independence and council? Senators Konkomba were deadly silent when decisions were made to create new regions. I am quite convinced that the supreme leaders of Dagbon and Mamprusis have questioned the silence of Konkomba's legislators. This silence allowed Chereponi to establish itself in the Northeast region, giving the impression that the Chereponi district, which once belonged to Konkombas, was taken away from them, leaving Konkombas in the northern region. It seems like "a dream come true" that emboldened Chokosis.

Konkombas against the government of Ghana
Konkombas in the Valley of Indecision on Western Togo: In fact, the unrest for an independent independent Togo is a strong temptation for Konkombas to choose his membership. Although undecided so far, the Konkombas are starting to feel that their problems with traditional authority and identity, property rights and justice, education and health, Agriculture and transportation, business and banking, girls' education and women's empowerment are of no consequence to the Government of Ghana.

The Konkombas go through real struggles. Marginalization is their lot. They are treated as strangers. No other major ethnic group in Ghana can boast of being more Ghanaian than the Konkombas, yet it is evident that they were the first victims of marginalization. Despite their significant contributions to the nation's food production and GDP, what policies has the government adopted to help the yam farmer? And look at the many subsidies that cocoa and other cash crops are receiving in the country. Even the children of the cocoa farmer benefit from scholarships. Yet no one claims support for the yam producer.

What about our education? The Konkomba child's ability to walk several kilometers to school for years and continue to go to university is a miracle. Educational facilities are inadequate, substandard and inaccessible. Look at our roads. What about the distribution of means of transport, Metro mbad buses? No Konkomba community can boast of being a tertiary institution! What about health facilities? Even workers in Saboba and Kpbada use dusty and deplorable roads leading to Yendi and Nkwanta, respectively, to access banking services! What is the state of girls' education at Konkombas? How many Konkomba women were able to rise to the height of the badembly woman to match the more than eighteen MPS men and MMDCE? And see how a man from Konkomba who fights for the survival and security of his territory is fighting in a court without a defender!

Konkombas defense in court: At the heart of the ongoing conflict (and in the middle of it), two of the five Konkomba were arrested and brought before the Tamale High Court. And they were sentenced to five (5) years' imprisonment with hard labor. What was their offense? That Konkombas "out of school" pleaded "guilty" for illegal possession of firearms in a "state-recognized" conflict! The timing of the judgment is wrong and the decision biased, the combined effects of which will undermine efforts to resolve conflicts and bring lasting peace. "The wheels of justice," they say, "should work slowly, but they must be sure of it," otherwise another "Jesus" could be sentenced to death.

Has anyone ever wondered why the judge of all creation did not condemn the sinner in a thoughtless way? It is a serious mistake to have rushed the judicial process to condemn these innocent, ignorant and defenseless "Ghanaian citizens" in the present circumstances because they have "pleaded guilty". All of this raises questions about legal proceedings in a country that seeks freedom and justice for its citizens.

Where are they? Where is Fahad Jababu Sulley, the Togolese, allegedly shot dead at a wedding ceremony or graduation ceremony in Nawieku by Konkombas? Where is Matthew Gonlan, one of six foreign (or Togolese) Chokosi men hired to help fight Konkombas and who was arrested by security? Only God knows the real number of Chokosis engaged to fight against Konkombas. Where are the twelve (12) to fourteen (14) armed Chokosis who have been arrested by the security team for conflict-related issues?

Death of Konkombas: Anyone who has closely followed the clashes would admit that in the four clashes, Chokosis was the first to kill Konkombas and burn their communities. However, the security personnel help them directly or not to set fire to other communities in Konkomba. Two, and later five, for a total of seven, Konkombas were killed by security personnel, but the media reports that only two or three people were confirmed in the clashes. In the third and current clashes, the Konkombas were and are killed at home by the "protector". The soldier kills those whom he must protect, the judge condemns those whom he must defend and releases both those whom he must punish!

The role of the government in all post-independence conflicts involving Konkombas was opposed to them. During the war between Konkomba and Nanumba (guinea fowl) in 1994, under the NDC regime, under the government mandate of former president JJ ​​Rawlings, the army killed several Konkomba and burned down almost every communities of Konkomba in the northern region of the time. Nobody speaks for Konkombas. One would have thought that a new political regime, the NPP, would do (or would have done better). But alas, the ongoing clashes are no exception to the rule, even under the watch of his excellence, Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo.

What is the purpose of representative democracy? It was an opportunity for the government to summon all parliamentarians, MMDCEs and "supreme" leaders of Konkomba and Chokosi to solicit their advice and ask them to speak to their people. How do you hope to dispossess the Konkombas of their own country by war?

The case of the scientist: Professor Konkomba is confused. As for him, he does not know if he has to write or speak. His ink remains intact in the fountain while his people suffer the pangs of injustice, theft and oppression. The Konkomba man is lazy – in fact, very, very lazy, to talk. Listen to him when he speaks. Accept his calls for peace and go ahead. Or the best way to tackle the problem is to go through his bow and poisoned arrow. See the mbadive devastation that punctuated the nation because Nkpakpaando's schoolchildren remained silent or, at best, took time to clear things up.

Wisdom in the silence of the northern tribes: The Konkombas are aware of the unrest caused by Chokosis throughout the country because of their frequent references to the Konkombas conflict with the Nanumbas, Dagombas and Gonjas. And what does Chokosis hope to achieve? The sympathy of these tribes? These references present a deadly temptation that, if undertaken, will produce catastrophic results.

The silence of the tribes is golden, filled with shades of wisdom, according to which they have discerned the motives of Chokosis and remained unshakable.

From a technical point of view, Konkombas does not have any known history related to a war that they have waged with Dagombas and Gonjas. Their involvement in the war between Konkomba and Nanumba (guinea fowl) in 1994 was unexpected! When the opportunity was presented for them to be faithful to the principles of freedom and justice vis-à-vis independent Ghana, they did not notice it and were swept away by the subtle wind of tribalism. Both tribes had the opportunity to demonstrate their unwavering respect for peace. And alas, see the unnecessary devastation that accompanied this mistake.

Chokosis should give up this behavior. It will not help them. I call all tribes to ignore temptation. Let the Nanumbas, the Dagombas and the Gonjas be informed that apart from the district of Chereponi, the Konkombas in other parts of the country live in peace with their Chokosi brothers. They are the ones who ignore all the efforts to stop the situation. So, they try to find several ways to win the Warrior title.

The best that Chokosis can do is to consider Ya Naa's advice for a ceasefire.

A comparison of the roles played by the two tribes in the conflict

Allow me to present a summary of the different roles played by the two tribes since June 2018 in order to help the public appreciate the contributions of the two tribes to the armed conflict.

S / NO CHOKOSIS Konkombas
1. Have boasted of being "the undefeated warriors of history and the" thieves "who do not respect hard work but use force to take what does not belong to them. Have the reputation of being brave, hardworking and peace loving. The Konkombas are fighting for what belongs to them, their country. They do not steal anyone.
2 Are proud to be united with Dagombas and white colonial masters in the slave trade of Konkomba before the independence of the nation. Are proud to be a tribe who has always resisted unfair oppression and could not do anything to support the slave trade or who tolerated the unfair exploitation of Africans in the past and in the present. Yet, the man of Konkomba wonders when he will have a total emancipation in independent Ghana.
3 Launched all attacks and was arrested for planned attacks on Konkombas Resist and sometimes counter attacks but do not plan any attacks
4 Have always been the first to kill Konkombas and burn Konkomba communities Kill Chokosis and set fire to Chokosi communities in retaliation
5 Are responsible for extending the conflict to other districts, Saboba, Yunyoo and Bunkprugu districts. Are responsible for the localization of the conflict only in the district of Chereponi. The Konkombas are still living in peace with Chokosis in the districts of Saboba, Yunyoo and Bunkprugu. Even when it was claimed that Konkombas set fire to the house or barn of a certain Chokosi in Chamba, Chokosis himself confirmed that it was rather Konkombas that had helped extinguish the fire (s)!
6 Ont constamment formulé des allégations sans fondement et se sont souvent contredites quant aux causes immédiates des affrontements Avoir maintenu la cohérence quant à la télécommande ainsi que les causes immédiates des affrontements
7. Ont accumulé les blâmes sans fondement des affrontements contre le gouvernement. Ont blâmé à juste titre les affrontements avec le gouvernement
8 Tout d'abord, lancer des appels injustifiés au retrait d'un personnage politique (le ministre de la Défense – un Konkomba) sur la base de sa tribu. A fait des appels justifiés au retrait d'une personnalité politique (le chef de district – un Chokosi) en raison de son reportage partial
9 Ont appelé au retrait du personnel de sécurité afin de permettre un combat ouvert entre les deux groupes ethniques J'ai fait plusieurs appels à la paix.
dix. Ont impliqué des étrangers (Togolais) dans la lutte. N'a impliqué aucun étranger
11 Ont tenté d'impliquer ou d'inciter d'autres tribus à participer au conflit N'a impliqué aucune autre tribu
12 Ont tenté d'intégrer des éléments religieux dans le conflit, affirmant que le conflit concernait des musulmans contre des non-musulmans et sollicitant la sympathie de tous les musulmans du Ghana. Ce n’est pas Konkmbas qui méprisait le caractère sacré du jeûne du ramadan en lançant des attaques non provoquées sur ce dernier au cours de la saison. Au mieux, ils auraient dû en profiter pour prier pour la paix et appeler à une unité durable entre les deux tribus. Avoir un grand respect pour la religion, rien contre l'Islam. Il y a des Konkombas qui sont également musulmans et qui observent le jeûne du Ramadan. Konkombas effectuaient des funérailles à la saison où Chokosis leur lança des attaques non provoquées. Cela n'a rien à voir avec l'islam.
13 Les premiers à organiser une manifestation contre l’ordre du ministre de l’Intérieur de bannir l’utilisation de la moto dans les districts de Saboba et Chereponi afin de mettre fin au conflit dans le district. Ils ont fait valoir que l'ordre était une tentative délibérée du gouvernement d'empêcher leurs guerriers d'aller combattre Konkombas. Plus tard, ils ont résisté à l'ordre du ministre de l'Intérieur d'interdire l'utilisation de motos comme moyen de limiter le conflit dans les districts de Saboba et de Chereponi. Les Konkombas du district de Saboba ne luttent pas contre les Chokosis. Par conséquent, l’interdiction n’a pas vraiment de sens.

Hélas! Le contraste est très clair. Plutôt que de les considérer comme un groupe ethnique épris de guerre, l’badyse montre clairement que l’échantillon de Konkombas dans les quatre districts touchés s’est nettoyé et a justifié les Konkombas du monde entier en tant que peuple épris de paix.

La voie à suivre
Bien que contraint par les latitudes temporelles et spatiales du lecteur et de l'éditeur, je sollicite votre permission, si vous le souhaitez, afin que je puisse faire quelques recommandations qui contribueront à sauver la situation toute l'année.

1. Je recommande vivement l'arrestation de Abubakar Ahmed (alias Blakk Rasta) pour les enquêtes, pour saper nos efforts collectifs pour réduire les affrontements.

2. Je lance un appel aux ministères chargés de la Justice et de la Sécurité intérieure pour qu'ils remédient aux anomalies concernant: a) l'emprisonnement de combattants civils arrêtés sur le champ de bataille et b) le meurtre de civils par l'armée. La sagesse divine mêle justice et miséricorde. Plutôt que de se précipiter pour saper les efforts visant à éteindre les flammes, les processus judiciaires devraient se désintéresser patiemment pour l'aider. Les membres du personnel de sécurité ne sont pas des terroristes. Les civils qu'ils tuent ont plutôt besoin de leur protection.

3. Dieu est le témoin de Konkomba qui fait de son mieux pour que le conflit soit localisé jusqu'à la fin du conflit, dans le district de Chereponi. Ce n'est pas entre Konkombas et les autres tribus du nord. Ce n'est pas entre musulmans et non musulmans. Ce n'est pas entre Konkombas et les musulmans. Le conflit n’est pas entre Ghanéens et Togolais. Chokosis devrait faire face à des faits. Les dirigeants des différents groupes auxquels on fait appel devraient être positifs dans leurs rapports avec cette affaire.

4. I humbly suggest that, for security purposes and the benefit of grbadroot participation of all in the governing process, the young DCE be advised to strongly apologize to Konkombas, and be made to step down so that a more humble but courageous and impartial person who understands the two groups and whose commitment to the principles of freedom and justice is firm be made to act in his capacity. Let the transition be done tactfully.

Quite frankly, Tahiru has won the heart and admiration of Chokosis. At best, he is their hero. And that is understandable. My caution, therefore, is Hon. Tahiru should not be left alone to his fate, for that will be too disturbing to the young man, and offensive to our Chokosi brothers. He should be engaged elsewhere (outside the district) where he still can be of service to the nation. I do not believe that he is a failure. Many of us, under similar circumstances, would have done worse than Tahiru.

I pray that the Almighty God and Creator Himself in the highest heaven will give us the Spirit of forgiveness to counter the burden of bitterness and to heal the traumas created through the year-long confrontations. May He tune the hearts of Konkombas and Chokosis to fall in love with each other, and bring back to life the solid peace and tranquility which once existed between us. Dear God, please help us. Amen

Warning: "The views / contents expressed in this article only imply that the responsibility of the authors) and do not necessarily reflect those of modern Ghana. Modern Ghana can not be held responsible for inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in this article. "

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