A study shows that bearded men look more angry than those shaved up close


Barber or do not barber, that's the question. One study also found that men with furry hair extensions looked more angry than those with shaved chins.

At least those who have trouble growing facial hair have another reason to add to the stack – in addition to the fact that they contain a load of poop and that they may look like a mess.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA

In the latest beard revelation, a team of Australian researchers examined the effect of a thicker chin on men in communicating their emotions and masculinity.

What they found, is that bearded men look more angry when they are angry and more happy when they are merry. In other words, the facial hair accentuate what the person feels at that moment.

The results were achieved after the scientists – led by Dr. Belinda Craig of the University of New England in Australia – asked 700 people to evaluate the intensity of a person's emotions. man on various faces, some of whom were bearded and some not.

Leonardo DiCaprio. Credit: PA
Leonardo DiCaprio. Credit: PA

Published in Psychological Science, the report suggests that this is due to the fact that a beard alters the structure of a person's face.

Dr. Craig told The Times: "The beards are focusing on the jaw … leading to faster recognition of anger."

Although this does not fully explain why the interviewees described the happy and bearded men as prettier than their shaved counterparts.

David Dade, honorary chairman of the British Beard Club, said the reason is that hairy-faced men seem more "reliable" and "trustworthy" for most people.

He said, "Many people [accept] that a bearded man looks kinder and more docile and perhaps more reliable and trustworthy.

"It may be because a bearded man seems comfortable with himself."

The results certainly seem to corroborate another recent study of barbarians in which men with facial hair were not only healthier, but also younger.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA

Dr. Adam Friedmann, dermatologist at Harley Street, said, "Sun exposure is the leading cause of photo-aging and skin damage, so it makes sense that if your face is covered by a thick beard, it may well be protect your skin from aging.

"It means fewer wrinkles and a reduction in age spots (liver spots) that we usually find on the face."

Do not worry though, because apparently, a hair full of hair will also do the trick. If you are bald in every sense of the word, then it may be worth investing in a 50 factor sunscreen in the approach of the summer months – so do not take any risks.

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