A Supreme Court Justice of the State Rules Against the State of Emergency Measles in Rockland County


A Supreme Court Justice of the State ruled against the emergency order made in Rockland County prohibiting children under the age of 18 from receiving measles vaccine for years. public places.

Ed Day, Rockland County Executive, introduced the ban last month after confirming the contamination of more than 160 measles cases.

Since the state of emergency, it has been confirmed that six other people were carriers of the disease, for a total of 167 cases.

The lawsuit against the state of emergency was brought by human rights lawyer Michael Sussman on behalf of unvaccinated parents of Green Meadow School. Waldorf at Chestnut Ridge. Another complaint was also filed by an anonymous mother from Rockland County.

On Friday, April 5, the judge granted a temporary injunction to the 30 – day ordinance promulgated on March 26 which, for the time being, will end the state of emergency.

reported ABC 7.

The judge said that the 166 cases cited were not up to the level of an epidemic nor constituted a disaster and that the county executive who pronounced the ban "may have been misplaced ", according to the decision.

"Although Judge Thorsen 's decision today did not go according to plan, I would like to congratulate those in Rockland who used this emergency as an opportunity to be vaccinated. 39 have conversations with their friends and neighbors about vaccination, "said Day. "We looked for a new way to fight a disease that had been eradicated almost 20 years ago, and we refused to sit back and Rockland was threatened."

Day added that the urgency message had not changed and that the county did not agree with the action being taken in the case.

"One would think that seeing 42 exhibits at a local hospital would attract the attention and court support that it deserves.I am of the opinion that expecting a medical catastrophe is misguided, especially account given the fact that we can see it happen, "said Day m said. "The increase we had planned for the promulgation of our emergency declaration has unfortunately occurred with 167 cases pending".

He added that the Ministry of Health would continue to do everything possible to stem the tide of the epidemic.

Day did not specify whether the county would appeal the decision or what the next steps would be.

This is a story in development. Return to Daily Voice for updates.

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