A terrifying moment, a lion attacks a circus coach in front of a Ukrainian public and the fight


It's the terrifying moment when a lion suddenly attacks a circus trainer in front of a wide audience of children and parents.

The crowd screamed in fear as the famed Hamada Kouta was dominated by a big angry cat who stuck his teeth in his arm and scratched him.

A video shows how the 32-year-old artist was floored by the beast who suddenly became aggressive in the ring.

His arms, legs and back were mutilated and scratched.

One can see the lion marauding and clawing at Hamada Kouta, 32, while he is lying on the circus floor in Lubansk, in a rebel-held Ukraine

One can see the lion marauding and clawing at Hamada Kouta, 32, while he is lying on the circus floor in Lubansk, in a rebel-held Ukraine

Kouta begins to back down in front of the big, furious cat who follows him while other circus workers watch him anxiously

Kouta begins to back down in front of the big, furious cat who follows him while other circus workers watch him anxiously

We hear the crowd screaming in the background while the lion overwhelms Kuta and makes him go down

We hear the crowd screaming in the background while the lion overwhelms Kuta and makes him go down

Kouta admitted that he was lucky that the beast did not go for his neck, otherwise things could have been much worse

Kouta admitted that he was lucky that the beast did not go for his neck, otherwise things could have been much worse

The lion jumps on Kouta and squeezes his arms around the coach before mastering him and hoisting him to the ground.

The lion jumps on Kouta and squeezes his arms around the coach before mastering him and hoisting him to the ground.

This horrible attack took place in the middle of the evening in a circus performance in Lugansk, a rebel-controlled city in eastern Ukraine.

Kuta – from Egypt, who worked in Russian circuses for many years – fought the lion who later withdrew.

He then confronted him while the predator was watching him for a new attack.

Finally, the big cat pulled back and left the ring in his cage.

A mother who was watching with her two children said, "My heart stopped when the lion was thrown at the coach."

Kouta was finally able to fight the beast and stay on his positions while the animal recoiled

Kouta was finally able to fight the beast and stay on his positions while the animal recoiled

In the moments leading up to the attack, he appeared to have control of the wild animal and the crowd was stunned by the turn of events.

In the moments leading up to the attack, he appeared to have control of the wild animal and the crowd was stunned by the turn of events.

The tamer can be seen using long rods to steer the lions into the ring before things go south quickly.

The tamer can be seen using long rods to steer the lions into the ring before things go south quickly.

Kouta's arm is heavily lacerated and puncture wounds are visible on his chest after the lion's attack.

Kouta's arm is heavily lacerated and puncture wounds are visible on his chest after the lion's attack.

It only took a few seconds for the lion's enormous claws to tear Kouta's skin.

It only took a few seconds for the lion's enormous claws to tear Kouta's skin.

"I called a lion and the second m attacked from the front," Kouta then said, pointing to his scratches.

"I stopped him in the middle of the ring, I calmed him down, but he refused to return to his sitting position. I stepped back, there was a position behind me, I hit her and fell.

"The lion jumped on me and bit me – but thank God, it's not on my neck. He immediately let me go. My back, arm and leg were injured.

"Scars from two claws and one tooth are on my leg, teeth marks on my arm, a depth of 4 centimeters (three inches) from three claws on my back.

He is working with ten lions and all those in the ring have returned to their cages immediately after the shocking attack, he said.

"I called them calmly, because there were children in the audience.

"The most important thing for me is to see the children in the audience. Of course, I was covered in blood, but I asked everyone to calm down and I started all over again, from the beginning.

Kouta said his troop of lions was unstable because they had been forced to perform shortly after arriving at a new location.

Kouta performing with a lion and a tiger during another show - the Egyptian works in Russian circuses for years

Kouta performing with a lion and a tiger during another show – the Egyptian works in Russian circuses for years

Kouta said that his lions were like his children, he said: "It will never end with death because they are my children"

Kouta said that his lions were like his children, he said: "It will never end with death because they are my children"

"They did not have time to adapt because we arrived and immediately started playing," he said.

Kouta demonstrates his fearlessness by putting his head in the mouth of the lion

Kouta demonstrates his fearlessness by putting his head in the mouth of the lion

They were stressed, so it led to an attack.

He added, "They can be in a bad mood, like people. For example, you can wake up in the morning in a bad mood. That's it, all day will be like that. They are just the same.

He has scars all over his body.

He said, "Every scar is an experience. I trust my predators more than people. People are the most dangerous creatures.

& # 39; You can talk to someone, be friends with them, then turn their backs and stab them.

"Predators are different, they are serious, they never cheat. But there is a red line, if you pbad – it can go the wrong way ….

"When an animal attacks a trainer, it is an error of his coach to 99%. In any case, they are my children, so I know that anything can happen. But that will never end with death, because they are my children.

Kouta uses a big stalk to help tame the lion, but it was not very useful when the mbadive beast invaded Lubansk

Kouta uses a big stalk to help tame the lion, but it was not very useful when the mbadive beast invaded Lubansk

Kouta said she has scars on her body due to working with dangerous animals for years.

Kouta said she has scars on her body due to working with dangerous animals for years.

"I know them and trust them more than people. Everything was fine, I calmed the audience and we continued. Of course, I became lame, it hurts everywhere, because they are teeth.

"A tooth was inside the muscle, right there and it's serious, and it's serious too, but it's okay."

Traveling circuses have recently been banned in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

But Lugansk is currently outside the Kiev rule.

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