A thief baby lied about his pregnancy; A court orders a psychiatric test for her


General News on Friday, April 5th, 2019

Source: 3news.com


Kidnap Suspicious baby thief Rose Mawusi Fiaku, 42, pleaded guilty to stealing a child on March 28

Medical results showed that the woman who had stolen a one-year-old baby at the Takoradi market circle in the Western Region had lied about her pregnancy status when she had appeared in court two years ago. weeks.

Rose Mawusi Fiaku, aged 42, pleaded guilty on March 28 to stealing children, but she asked the president of the Takoradi Court of Appeal Trial Court to temper the justice with mercy because She was pregnant.

After being questioned again by the judge, Rose stated that she may have had a miscarriage because she was badaulted while being arrested by the police.

Despite his request, the president of the court ordered that a pregnancy test be conducted to determine if she is or was pregnant as planned and the case was sent back to April 5th.

When the case resumed on Friday, the test result presented to the court showed that she was not pregnant as she claimed; she was negative.

But Rose, who is awaiting sentencing for pleading guilty to stealing a child, told the court that her claim was based on the fact that her period had stopped for two months.

According to her, once her period stopped, she concluded that she was pregnant without medical evaluation or pregnancy test.

Some of the family members who appeared in court suggested that the accused had behaved strangely before the boy's flight, prompting the judge, Ms. Abena Agyin Doku, to ask if Rose had a history of mental disorder.

The answer was negative.

As a result, the judge ordered the prosecution to conduct a psychiatric badessment of Rose in order to establish his mental health before a sentence could be handed down following his conviction.

The case is adjourned until April 26, by which date the test should be completed.

Lawson Lartey, Rose's lover, who pleaded not guilty to the theft charge, was released on bail by the court.

Lartey, who appeared in court without his lawyer, had his bail condition set at 10,000 cedis with two sureties.


Ahiagbenu was robbed last Friday at Nana Akosua Bowaa, her mother, at the Market Circle, by Rose, who allegedly persuaded the mother to give him the child.

Eyewitnesses claimed that the thief had told the mother of the child that she was going to buy sausages for the one year old baby but that she had never come back with the baby .

A sequence of CCTV footage showed Rose, who had a veil covering her hair, leaving the market with the little boy.

As a result of some information, the little Ahiagbenu was saved in the wee hours of Tuesday from baby burglar Lartey, who was supposed to be her husband at the time.

Both were subsequently arrested and detained.

For more information, visit: 3news.com

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