A week in Brooklyn, NY, on a salary of $ 80,000

<p type = "text" content = "welcome toNewspapers , where we tackle what might be the last taboo facing modern women workers: money. We ask the millennial generation how they spend their hard-earned money over a seven-day period – and we watch every last dollar."data-reactid =" 27 ">welcome toNewspapers , where we tackle what might be the last taboo facing modern women workers: money. We ask the millennial generation how they spend their hard-earned money over a seven-day period – and we watch every last dollar.

<p type = "text" content = "Calling all entrepreneurs: We want your news! If you are a freelancer or freelancer, we would like to present your financial journal. Submit here."data-reactid =" 28 ">Calling all entrepreneurs: We want your news! If you are a freelancer or freelancer, we would like to present your financial journal. Submit here.

<p type = "text" content = "Hi LGBTQIA ++ community! It's almost the month of pride and we want to amplify the voice of LGBTQIA ++ people. If you are a member of the LGBTQIA ++ / queer community and have already thought about filling out a financial journal, we would be delighted to introduce you! Submit here."data-reactid =" 29 ">Hi LGBTQIA ++ community! It's almost the month of pride and we want to amplify the voice of LGBTQIA ++ people. If you are a member of the LGBTQIA ++ / queer community and have already thought about filling out a financial journal, we would be delighted to introduce you! Submit here.

<p type = "text" content = "Today: a special government badistant who earns $ 80,000 a year and spends some of her money this week on three-wick candles."data-reactid =" 30 ">Today: a special government badistant who earns $ 80,000 a year and spends some of her money this week on three-wick candles.

<p type = "text" content = "Occupation: Special Assistant
Industry: The city government
Age: 26
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Salary: $ 80,000
Payroll amount (every two weeks): $ 2,132.53
Gender identity: Woman / Her / Her "data-reactid =" 31 ">Occupation: Special Assistant
Industry: The city government
Age: 26
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Salary: $ 80,000
Payroll amount (every two weeks): $ 2,132.53
Gender identity: Woman / Her / Her

<p type = "text" content = "Monthly expenses
Rental: $ 1,475
Student loans: $ 400
L & # 39; Internet: $ 70
Cellphone: $ 121
Credit card: $ 327
Apple fees: $ 30
Adobe Stock for blog photos: $ 30
Google Suite for blog emails: $ 11
Domain of the site: $ 10
Hulu: $ 8
Netflix: $ 0 (use my parents' account)
HBOGo: $ 0 (Use my friend's account)
Mattress: $ 50
Refund of glbades: $ 30 "data-reactid =" 32 ">Monthly expenses
Rental: $ 1,475
Student loans: $ 400
L & # 39; Internet: $ 70
Cellphone: $ 121
Credit card: $ 327
Apple fees: $ 30
Adobe Stock for blog photos: $ 30
Google Suite for blog emails: $ 11
Domain of the site: $ 10
Hulu: $ 8
Netflix: $ 0 (use my parents' account)
HBOGo: $ 0 (Use my friend's account)
Mattress: $ 50
Refund of glbades: $ 30

7 am – After sleeping a nap (three times), I get up from the bed and lie on the floor. I begin my mornings with prayer to focus on the day. Then I write what goes through your head to note the thoughts of the day before and plan the day. I have a lot to say this morning. Yesterday I proposed to change the title of my post and my nerves exploded completely.

7:20 am – I head for the bathroom and do my morning routine (brush my teeth, wash my face and rinse my nose with a clean jar, as the allergy season becomes real). Then I put the curly product on my hair and make up. I boil two eggs and make coffee while I do that.

8:10 am – I listen to a podcast, drink coffee, eat my boiled eggs, and go through e-mails the night before to get a clear list of my personal tasks and pending tasks. Some days, reading and responding to emails takes a lot of time because I want to answer something before 9 am when most people come to the office. I really have nothing to review at the moment, so I end up window shopping in a swimsuit. I'm going to Cancun with my friends in two weeks and I must look caught! I will probably have something later.

9:15 – I'm going to work. My train has fallen behind in recent days (nothing new here in New York), but if I leave at 9:15, I can usually take the express train.

10 am – I made it work and I timed it at 10 am (that's rare for me!). I'm already in a good mood. I sort the work emails. It looks like the day will be slow, with some human resources requests for my office, but otherwise, I'll do my own schedule. It's Friday – I'm not complaining!

<p type = "text" content = "12 pm – I start surfing Instagram and I see this beautiful amethyst crystal ring in a local ringshop! I just learn the crystals and their healing powers, and I'm dying to know how it works.I bought a pink quartz stone a few months ago to heal self-esteem, but up to a few months ago. now, she just has to be nested in a bag.If I had a ring, I would be more intentional about it … I'm gonna get it. $ 17.50"data-reactid =" 39 "> 12 pm – I'm starting to surf Instagram and I see this beautiful amethyst crystal ring in a local ring shop! I just learn the crystals and their Healing powers and I'm dying to know how it works.I bought a pink quartz stone a few months ago to heal the self-esteem, but up to now She has just been nested in a bag.If I had a ring, I would be more intentional about it … I am going to get it. $ 17.50

13h – I bought a non-necessity before paying my bills … sigh. I immediately pay my Chase credit card bill ($ 165) and my mattress bill ($ 50). I have not set up automatic payments since these are two of my biggest credit debts (apart from loans, of course), and I am afraid to pay them, but I pay every month. I pay the minimum on both.

3 pm – I had lunch at 2 am, but I did not go out and it's a nice day. I go to Barnes and Noble and leaf through some books, but I do not buy anything. Window shopping is actually one of my favorite pastimes for lunch.

<p type = "text" content = "6 pm – My workday is over! I usually go out for pizza and wine on weekends, but as I try to cut bread from my diet I'm going to Trader Joe's For canned salmon used to make salmon cakes. I do not have groceries for the week, I also pick fresh salmon, ground turkey, fillets chicken, a sweet potato, a red potato, a pack of kale and broccoli ($ 39.05) It's so hard to miss out on bread, and while I'm cooking pizza I still drink wine ($ 16.50) $ 55.55"data-reactid =" 42 "> 6 pm – My workday is over! Usually I'm going to get pizza and wine on weekends, but as I try to cut bread from my diet, I'm going to Trader Joe's … Canned salmon to make salmon cakes.I lack grocery for the week, I also pick fresh salmon, chopped turkey, chicken fillets, sweet potato, a red potato, a pack of kale and a pack of broccoli ($ 39.05) It's so hard to miss the bread, and while I'm cooking the pizza, I still drink wine ( $ 16.50) $ 55.55

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "19h30 – I go home and make my cakes with salmon with fries, it's so good and it's better than pizza! I'm going to Cancun in two weeks, so I'm looking for clothes.There are some sales of swimwear happening this weekend and since I do not have one, I buy four. $ 71.20"data-reactid =" 47 "> 7:30 pm – I go home and prepare my salmon cakes with fries, it's so good and I feel better than the pizza I'm going to Cancun in two weeks, so I'm looking at Some swimwear sales are taking place this weekend and since I do not have one, I buy four. $ 71.20

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Daily Total: $ 144.25"data-reactid =" 48 ">Daily Total: $ 144.25

Day two

6:30 am – I have an appointment in Queens to braid hair at 9am, so I get up early to wash and dry my hair. I want to condition it thoroughly, so I know it will take about an hour – and if I do not get up now, I'll never do it. I finish in exactly one hour. I make boiled eggs and coffee, and heat a salmon cake last night. I'm listening to an inspiring podcast, journal, and trying to clean up a bit. I do not know how to relax, even on Saturdays. Sigh.

7:40 am – I head for the station. I will have to take two trains and a bus to go to the lounge, but it's worth the thought of the $ 40 that I will save. Plus, my hair has already been styled here, so I know what to expect.

8am – The second train is not running for the weekend, so I have to take a shuttle. That's why I get up early and leave early – the transit in New York is unpredictable! At this rate, I should go to the living room at exactly 9 o'clock. I really do not want to be late because after a grace period of 10 minutes, first come first serve. The braids already take five hours, which would make me lose all day. I do not have any plans yet, but still!

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "8h50 – I get off the bus and that s & # 39; stop at another train line that is even further away from the hair salon.It is impossible to do unless I call Uber, so I am.I am bored because I had a card- Uber gift, but I did not activate it yet, I kept it for a rainy day, but it's that rainy day! $ 6.13"data-reactid =" 53 "> 8:50 am – I get off the bus and it stops on another train line that is even further from the barbershop. It's impossible to do it unless I call an Uber I'm bored because I had an Uber gift card, but I have not activated it yet.I kept it for a rainy day, but that Is that day! $ 6.13

9:05 – I go to the show before the grace period, and I'm happy to do it because three people are already waiting. I am sitting with joy in the presidency and preparing myself for this five-hour process. I browse my phone and my bank account and remember my automatic payment for my Bank of America card ($ 40) and my glbades ($ 45, and yes, I even have a bill for my glbades).

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "15 h – Finished! The process took six hours. These are braids at the waist that are a little more expensive than the standard back length, but still cheaper than if I had to do them in Brooklyn.I also leave a tip of $ 20. $ 180"data-reactid =" 55 "> 15 hours – Finish! The process lasted six hours without a break, but I love my hair! These are low waist braids, so they are a little more expensive than the length Normal back, but still cheaper than if I had to do it in Brooklyn, I also leave a tip of $ 20. $ 180

3:15 pm – As the living room is close to my parents' house, I visit them to see how everyone is going. I ended up lounging at home and chatting with my mother and aunt.

7 pm – My aunt wants to go to dinner and go shopping, but I just want to go home. My mother offers to take me home because the trains are messy and I could not be more grateful for the ride. On the way, I decide that I want to go to dinner with them.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "20h – We arrive at one of my Mothers (and mine, too, honestly) my favorite tapas restaurants I ordered jerk wings and crab nachos divided with my mother I also get a guava mojito My aunt offers me to pay, but I refuse. She's getting ready to go to California, we're going home around 10 am I'm watching Netflix for a while, but I end up fighting for the night at eleven. $ 35"data-reactid =" 58 "> 20 h – We arrive at one of my mother's favorite tapas restaurants (and mine too, honestly) I order jerk wings and cracked crab nachos with my mom, I get a mojito of guava, the aunt offers to pay, but I refuse, she is getting ready to go to California and I prefer to keep her room for that, we go home around 10 am I watch Netflix for a moment, but I ended up spending the night at the front door. $ 35

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Daily Total: $ 221.13"data-reactid =" 59 ">Daily Total: $ 221.13

Day three

8:30 am – Even though I went to bed early, I'm still tired! It's raining outside and I could really stay in bed all day. But I told my grandmother that I would visit her today and that I wanted to go to church. She lives in Westchester and I do not have a car, so it will take at least two hours. I log, then fix an omelette and a salmon cake. I am preparing for the church and I am leaving.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "10:40 – I head for the train station and surrender I left my subway map Ugh! If I turn around, I will not go to church. I get a $ 10 subway card. $ 10"data-reactid =" 62 "> 10:40 – I head to the station and realize that I left my subway map Ugh! If I turn around, I will not go to the station. church.I have a metro at $ 10 card. $ 10

<p clbad = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "11:30 – I really try to improve donations tithe and offerings in the church that match my income, but it's a process.For the moment, I will give 5% of every paycheck. $ 75"data-reactid =" 63 "> 11:30 am – I'm really trying to better tithe and offerings in a church that fit my income, but it's a process." moment, I will give 5% of each paycheck. $ 75

13h – My grandmother and my aunt say that they prefer me to come to Mother's Day (congratulate him!). It is still raining, so I go home to do an intense cleansing because I jumped for a clean up last weekend. I also need to do some preparation work for my blog. I'm interviewing a yoga shop tomorrow and I like to plan my content on social networks on Sunday.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "16 hours – I finish the cleanup and head to a Nearby cafe to help me work.I feel bad to come without getting anything, so i will have a coffee. $ 2"data-reactid =" 65 "> 4:00 pm – I finish the cleaning and head to a nearby café to help work.I am sorry not to come without getting anything, so I have coffee. $ 2

<p clbad = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "19 hours – I can not believe that this has been It takes me three hours to do two things, but at least I did it! It's starting to rain again, but I really, really, want a scented candle for my odorous focus, and I'm willing to take a train to I get on the train and head for Bath & Body Works, which is only 10 minutes away, they are selling candles with three wicks, I'm so happy! $ 15"data-reactid =" 66 "> 7 pm – I can not believe that it took me three hours to do two things, but at least I did it! It starts to it's raining again, but I really, really, want a scented candle, I'm ready to take a train for him too, get on the train and head to Bath & Body Works because it's only 10 minutes away. sell candles with three wicks, I am so happy! $ 15

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "19.30 – I have a thirst for I am looking for Vanilla ice cream from Halo because Halo is supposed to be healthier.I also need coffee cream, I also get it back after dinner, tonight it's chicken bad, rice and beans, quick and easy! I also have some boss and margarita mix, I call one of my friends and watch TV until I get ready. that I'm falling asleep. $ 7.68"data-reactid =" 67 "> 7:30 pm – I want ice cream, but I try to reduce the number of sweets I go to Target and get some vanilla ice cream from Halo, since Halo is supposed I also need coffee cream, so I pick it up too.I go home afterwards to prepare dinner.This is chicken bad, rice and beans.Fast and easy! I also have a little mixing boss and margarita.I call one of my friends and watch TV until I get drowsy. $ 7.68

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Total daily: $ 109.68"data-reactid =" 68 ">Total daily: $ 109.68

Day four

7 am – I get up and do the usual morning routine. Pray, diary, fast workout, shower and makeup.

9:30 am – I am the slowest person in the world. At 9:30, I leave the door; this time, because I could not find a shirt to wear. I have to start preparing my lunch and spreading my clothes at night.

12h – I meet my boss to review his itinerary of the week and have good news! Everyone knows that my career is a pbadion for communication and I will now work as a public relations badociate. The communications still come from my current boss, but I will now have two direct bosses in front of him. It's really bittersweet, but I'm happy to be able to flourish in the direction that interests me the most.

15h – I go out to take the air because it is so beautiful outside. I am tempted to buy something to waste time, but I go back to the place.

18h – I leave work and head to the yoga studio to interview his two founders for my next blog. I brought a shirt to be able to register to the clbad after the interview. It may be at home since the founders are organizing a clbad today!

7:30 pm – The interview went very well, but I realize that I left my yoga pants at home! I can not participate They would have let me take a free clbad today to interview them. Dang it!

20:30. – I eat my leftovers from the night before, watch TV and get ready for bed. I go to bed around 10 o'clock. I'm always drowsy during the allergy season.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Daily Total: $ 0.00"data-reactid =" 77 ">Daily Total: $ 0.00

Fifth day

7 am – I have so much to say about my new job that I spend 20 minutes on journaling. I did not take my lunch or take my clothes off and I do not want to be late. I skip my training 20 minutes in the morning. After writing my diary, I jump in the shower, make up and go to work.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "14h – One of my colleagues and I have an appointment you planned in advance.I told him that my budget was limited (because life was a budget), so we take tacos, a taco tempura and a chipotle chicken taco. $ 8.56"data-reactid =" 80 "> 2 pm – One of my colleagues and I have a planned lunch date, I told him I'm on a budget (because life is a budget), so we take tacos, taco tempura and a chipotle chicken taco. $ 8.56

2:30 pm in the afternoon. – We realize that we have more time to kill, and there is a bar next door … a drink will not hurt the responsible adults, right? My amazing colleague spots me for my drink ($ 12). Yay!

<p clbad = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "18 hours – I have to do the laundry, but I'm going at the nearby convenience store to take socks since I'm all out – and deodorant, since I'm too weak for that. $ 6.98"data-reactid =" 82 "> 6:00 pm – I have to do the laundry, but I have no motivation to do it.I go to the nearby convenience store to get socks since I'm all out – and deodorant, since I'm down on that too. $ 6.98

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Daily Total: $ 15.54"data-reactid =" 83 ">Daily Total: $ 15.54

Day six

<p clbad = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "8:30 – I have the There will have a fire drill at work today, which helps me sleep a bit more, I have no more coffee or eggs, so I go to the nearest grocery store and pick it up with water Since I missed the yoga clbad on Monday, I will go there later today. $ 15.68"data-reactid =" 85 "> 8:30 am – I understood correctly that there would be a fire drill at 10 o'clock at work today, which allows me to I do not eat coffee and eggs anymore, so I go to the nearby grocery store and pick it up with water. I've missed Monday's yoga clbad, I'll go later today. $ 15.68

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "09.45 – My metro card has expired, and j & # I need to fill rides for the week. $ 33"data-reactid =" 86 "> 9:45 am – My metro card has expired and I have to fill new routes for the week. $ 33

10:30 – I get to work and I have a pretty cold day. I have lunch that I brought from home.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "22:00 – The clbad was so good After the game of yoga, we had a "wine down" with wine at home.The clbad ends at 8:30, but we stay literally sitting next and have a girl to talk for an hour and a half.I pay before leaving. $ 15"data-reactid =" 88 "> 10:00 pm – The clbad was so good After the yoga part, we had a" wine on the ground "with wine at home The clbad ends at 8:30 pm, but we sit literally about an hour and a half, I pay before leaving. $ 15

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Daily Total: $ 63.68"data-reactid =" 89 ">Daily Total: $ 63.68

Day seven

7am – I have not done my fast morning workout for a few days. Even though it's only 20 minutes, I can really see the difference in my energy. I've shortened logging to take the time to move on to this and breakfast. Plus, I have to pack my lunch. Salmon and kale (my favorite meal).

6:00 pm – Nothing exciting for the day, but I'm heading to a presentation event on the state of the millennium and social media and how it has spoiled our idea of ​​time. It will take me two trains to get there, but the event venue is close to the Joe Trader's Wine Shop, so I have to stop there! I head for the door.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "6:40 pm – I get two bottles of wine from quality at $ 17! I am more excited about this than I should be.The inconvenience: I have not taken into account the time it will take me to get on the second train – and that is the deadly train L. As usual, it is extremely secure and I will have to take a cab to get to the event with 15 minutes late. $ 17"data-reactid =" 93 "> 6:40 pm – I'm getting two bottles of quality wine for $ 17! I'm more excited about this than I should be. The inconvenience: I'm not sure. I have not taken into account the duration Take me to take the second train – and that is the fatal train L. As usual, it is extremely guarded, and I will have to take a cab to get to the event with 15 minutes late. $ 17

<p clbad = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "18h50 – The taxi is much more It probably would have been more Logic to take a taxi to get to work. $ 17"data-reactid =" 94 "> 6:50 pm – The taxi is much more than I would have liked, it probably would have made more sense to take a taxi to get to work. $ 17

9pm – The event was good and reminded me how long it is precious and why, at the age of 26, memes of high school are still cool. I remember having this Uber gift card and use it to go home. Money saved!

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Daily total: $ 34"data-reactid =" 96 ">Daily total: $ 34

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Financial journals are meant to reflect each woman's experiences and do not necessarily reflect Refinery's point of view. The refinery29 does not encourage illegal activities or harmful behavior."data-reactid =" 113 ">Financial journals are meant to reflect each woman's experiences and do not necessarily reflect Refinery's point of view. The refinery29 does not encourage illegal activities or harmful behavior.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The first step in getting your money in order is to keep track of your expenses – try it yourself, check our guide to manage your money every day. For more money logs, click on right here."data-reactid =" 114 ">The first step in keeping your finances in order is to keep track of your expenses. For you to try it out, check out our guide to managing your money every day. For more money journals, click here.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Do you have a journal of money that you want to share? Submit it with us right here."data-reactid =" 115 ">Do you have a journal of money that you want to share? Submit it with us here.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Do you have questions about how to submit or our publication process? Read our FAQ about the money diaries here: r29.co/mdfaqs"data-reactid =" 116 ">Do you have questions about how to submit or our publication process? Read our FAQ about the money diaries here: r29.co/mdfaqs

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Love what you see? How about more goodness R29, right here?"data-reactid =" 117 ">Love what you see? How about more goodness R29, right here?

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Renee Zellweger has earned a fortune as an actor – but you will not be able to guess her most rewarding roles"data-reactid =" 118 "> Renee Zellweger was fortunate to act, but you will not be able to guess her roles at the highest salary

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "A week in Berkeley, California, on a salary of $ 94,000"data-reactid =" 119 "> A week in Berkeley, CA, on a salary of $ 94,000

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "These are the coolest coworking spaces in New York"data-reactid =" 120 "> These are the coolest coworking spaces in New York

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