A woman discovers a rash all over her body, a rare sign of anus cancer


A Kansas woman suffered a distinct skin rash all over her body for 11 months. She did not know that it was already a rare sign of bad cancer.

( Megan Prouty and Deede Liu | New England Journal of Medicine )

A woman, who attended a dermatology clinic, did not know that the dye rash bound all over her body was already a clinical sign of bad cancer.

The case of this 73-year-old Kansas woman was documented in the paper. New England Journal of Medicine.

"After colonoscopy and imaging, the diagnosis of stage IIA bad squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed," the authors said. wrote.

Patient experience leading to diagnosis

The woman suffered 11 months of reddish itching and rashes on the thighs, bad, trunk and armpits. At first, the rash was only itchy lesions with a dark colored center in the bad area. She was treated with anti-allergic medications and a type of steroid called prednisone, but these treatments did not bring relief.

The eruption then evolved into repeated cycles of reddish plaques over the next four months. At this point, she also had abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Treatment and diagnosis

After diagnostic tests, a dermatologist diagnosed erythema gyratum repens in women. She then began treatment with glucocorticoids, a type of steroid hormone, as well as a test treatment for gabapentin for itching.

The patient started chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and after three months, the rash was attenuated. After eight months, the patient was declared to have no signs of illness and the rash was not repeated.

What is erythema gyratum repens?

The erythema gyratum repens is a rare type of cancerous rash, most often bound bad, lung and esophageal cancers.

Most patients with this disease first report to the emergency department with a major complaint of rash. The majority of cases are not cancerous and improve with ointments or creams applied directly to the body. However, a number of EGRs could report a more serious illness.

Although EGR is not considered a dermatological emergency because it does not require immediate treatment, it is always an affection not to be overlooked.

RGE usually precedes malignant diseases by a few months, but with rapid diagnosis in the emergency department, patients can be referred for immediate diagnostic evaluation.

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