A woman has made a complete outfit with 300 plastic Wegmans bags


  • Rosa Ferrigno, a 75-year-old Italian immigrant, knitted a skirt, top and purse in Wegmans shopping bags.
  • It took her two months, but she said that she had done it "to have fun".
  • Wegmans issued a statement, saying that they had never seen anything like it.

A New York woman took the recycling and rebadignment to the next level.

Last summer, Rosa Ferrigno, a 75-year-old Italian immigrant, noticed a guest wearing a handbag made from recycled plastic bags. Inspired by the accessory, Ferrigno soon learned to knit with shopping bags and made herself a JC Penny handbag.

But she did not stop there. Ferrigno then made a complete set with 300 shopping bags Wegmans, and now she turns heads.

Read more:These two women use knitting to cope with stress and mental illness – here's why you should consider taking it back too

It was not an easy feat, however. Ferrigno began by cutting each bag into strips and tied them together, which became his thread. She turned two needles into knitting needles when she realized that she needed giant needles not available for sale. The former seamstress also sewed a brown cotton fabric inside the garment to make it more resistant. In the end, she used 140 bags for the skirt and 170 bags for the jacket, and it took her two months to create the reused look.

Take a closer look at his process in the video below:

Although the process was long and detailed, Ferrigno said she appreciated every second.

"I'm doing it for fun," she told the Democrat and the column.

The finished product, which looks more like an outfit made of yarn than shopping bags, has received positive reviews. When Ferrigno wore the outfit during a brunch after the wedding, everyone went "crazy" for the look.

Son of shopping bags.
Democrat and Chronicle

They were not the only ones to applaud Ferrigno. Wegmans also became aware of his work.

"We love that our customers reuse or recycle their grocery bags, but we've never seen art work like Rosa's!" Jo Natale, vice president of media relations at Wegmans, said.

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