A writer with poison pen claims that it was not his saliva on the envelope


reAndrew Hill, counsel for the court, told the court that he intended to re-examine the DNA evidence.

Ms. Taylor is a popular organizer of the Enborn and Hampstead Marshall Garden Society.

A source close to the nearby village of Mrs. Taylor said, "It was very upsetting at the time. Having this so soon after your husband's death is terrible. I think it was very raw. "

Mr. Staples had previously been accused of having unknowingly enrolled a villager, Marilyn Ray, on a dating site, and to have sent fire departments to her home for a safety inspection. unjustified.

After Ms. Ray resigned from her position as parish council president for health reasons in 2006, following the appointment of Staples, the widow filed a series of complaints alleging that she was not responsible for her health. had not received minutes at certain meetings, had been wrongly accused of interrupting the proceedings and had also been criticized. the board's board standards.

Mr. Staples admitted to having asked for the fire safety badessment of Ms. Ray's cottage and misrepresented the response from the firefighters, but then stated to have admitted it only because he had received poor legal advice and that a judge had subsequently decided that there was no need to answer it.

The call is to take place on November 15th.

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