About 29% of children missed school because of oral pain | Education


A study in eight countries found that three out of ten children missed school last year because of oral pain.

The study, commissioned by Pepsodent, a leading brand in the field of oral care, conducted among more than 4,000 children and parents, revealed that children had missed 243 million school days. Last year because of pains in the world calling for immediate action on the health of the mouth.

The research, conducted in Chile, Egypt, France, Italy, Indonesia, the United States, Ghana and Vietnam, Unilever brand markets, gathered 500 respondents from each country.

According to the study, which was unveiled on the occasion of World Oral Health Day 2019, 37% of children with oral pain in the past 12 months had not participated to an activity at school because of their teeth, compared to 19% of children with oral pain. no oral pain.

24% of children who experienced oral pain in the last 12 months did not raise their hands in clbad or ask for help because they felt bad about their teeth, compared to 13% of those who have no oral pain.

Research indicated that 32% of children who had suffered in the last 12 months were more likely to avoid socializing with their peers because of their toothache, compared to 20% of those who had not no feeling of oral pain.

The study showed that the quality of a child's oral care could have an impact beyond obvious medical problems such as bad breath and dental pain, as well as limiting his potential and impairing his self-esteem.

At the time of this report, Dr. Paapa Puplampu, Vice President of the Ghana Dental Association, said it was now proven that the impact of oral health care on self-confidence and confidence in children's self was global in scope.

He stated that it was important to use the results of the study to write more compelling messages, which could induce real behavioral changes in prevention, which would reduce levels. present alarming tooth decay and oral pain.

Patience Oforiwa Mpereh, head of the oral care category at Unilever, said the brand has been working for 25 years to prevent the situation through free dental checks and school programs.

She explained that Pepsodent's business over the years was aimed at spreading exceptional oral health around the world and unleashing the power of as many smiles as possible.

She said that with the current report, Unilever would help to evolve the conversation around oral health care training around the world to inspire changes that could create more and more lives. opportunities for tomorrow.

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