Academic City College Holds First Career Fair


Edna A. Quansah, RNG

Accra, April 2, GNA –
Academic City College, a first clbad tertiary institution in Haatso,
Accra, organized a career fair to create a networking platform for students
with companies across the continent to guide their career choices.

The career fair was to
securing internship opportunities for students, which will give them the
experience they need to succeed in their professional lives.

C & # 39; was organized by
Career Services, under the Student and Community Office
Affairs, to help students better understand the professional world
opportunities for them to develop their professional potential.

He welcomed
representatives of 28 companies including General Electric, Ecobank,
Vodafone, Kosmos Innovation Center, Data Bank, Financial Services, MainOne,
Unilever, Mosaic Growth, Primetime and Universal Merchant Bank.

interacted with different companies to learn more about their activities
and how they could help in their career interests.

Before the fair,
students had followed a series of career preparation sessions to prepare and
equip them with the necessary know-how and tools to search effectively
internship opportunities at the career fair.

Sessions included
a CV writing workshop, lift height development, maintenance,
identify their favorite jobs and workplaces, and clean and
boost their social networks and their professional profiles.

Mr. Abubakar Sulemana,
Chief Information Officer of General Electric (GE), Africa, shared a few
personal lessons on hard work, humility and setting goals that had helped him
to chart his successful career.

GE works with
governments, corporate clients and other stakeholders to find solutions
infrastructural challenges in the areas of energy, health care, oil and gas.

Mr. Sulemana stated that
working at GE focused on finding technological solutions to deliver a better
customer services to generate revenue.

As a chef
Chief Information Officer for Africa, he leads GE's IT strategy
programs on the continent.

In an interview with
The Ghana News Agency, Isaac Thierry N'Kouka, a second-year computer science student, said;
"I think this career fair has been a good initiative of Academic City to help
students like me to have an idea of ​​what awaits us once we
go out of the university.

"Although I do not have
a lot on my resume, I quickly realized that what really mattered was the first
the impression I've made, "said Mary Gaewu, a computer scientist

"All the experience
was amazing because I learned more about each company and what it was doing,
help me determine my career path. "

University College
plans to hold similar and larger career fairs each year.

As a result of this
In this case, the Careers Department would engage in the realization of the next step
transform the fair's interactions into internship opportunities for
students for the summer of 2019.


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