Academy for Life encourages Catholic parents to vaccinate their children


VATICAN – Catholic parents must vaccinate their children for the sake of their children and the community, and they can do so by being "aware" that "the use of such vaccines does not in any way mean a kind of cooperation in of voluntary abortion ". Pontifical Academy for Life.

In July 2017, the Vatican-related academy published up-to-date moral considerations on vaccinations as many of the most common vaccines against measles, rubella and chickenpox are prepared from cell lines developed at home. Origin from an aborted fetus in 1964 and an aborted fetus. in 1966.

the Academy for Life sent Catholic Information Service a working translation of the 2017 document on March 20 after the US media reported a Catholic family from Kentucky suing the local health department for action taken in response to a chicken pox outbreak at the Assumption Academy in Walton, Kentucky, a Catholic school affiliated with K-12 with the traditionalist society of St. Pius X.

The Ministry of Health, which mailed its letters to parents online, first wrote to parents of school children on February 5th, informing them of the outbreak and urging them to ensure that their children were up to date. As the epidemic continued, the ministry sent another letter on February 21 canceling sporting events and other school events where Assumption students would be in contact with students from other schools.

On March 14, the department informed the parents "of a worrying increase in the number of infected students at the Assumption Academy". Thirty-two students, or 13% of the student body, had contracted the disease, the letter said.

In response, the Ministry of Health stated that, starting March 15, "all students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 without proof of vaccination or evidence of immunity to the chickenpox virus will be allowed to go to school only 21 days after the beginning of the rash of the virus. " last student or member of the sick staff. "

18-year-old Jerome Kunkel, leader of Assumption, and his family complained on 14 March in the Boone County District Court, alleging that the health department had violated the rights of the First Amendment of Kunkel, according to the Washington Post. The newspaper said that they believed that the use of the vaccine would be "immoral, illegal and sinful" according to their Catholic religion.

The Assumption Academy Manual, published on its website, informs parents that current law requires vaccination or a written statement of conscientious objection.

"The schools of the US District of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X comply with the vaccination policies of the local authorities in matters of health and education while adhering to the moral principles of the Roman Catholic Church", states the manual.

"The Catholic Church does not oppose in principle vaccinations, but considers as morally illegal the development of vaccines from aborted fetal tissue," continues the manual. "In 2005, the Vatican clarified the position of all Catholics on this issue and the FSSPX adheres to this statement."

The 2005 statement urged parents to ask their doctors to use non-derived vaccines from aborted fetal cell lines in the 1960s if such vaccines existed and, if they did not, to write to companies pharmaceutical companies to ask them to develop other vaccines.

Nevertheless, he added, the church says that it is ethically lawful to use vaccines "to the extent necessary to avoid a serious risk, not only for one's own children, but also , and perhaps more specifically, for his state of health, the population as a whole, especially pregnant women ".

The updated statement of the Pontifical Academy of Life, published in July 2017 after a World Health Organization study showed a "progressive trend" against vaccination in Italy, said that "the cell lines currently used are far removed from the abortions of origin moral cooperation link indispensable for an ethically negative evaluation of their use".

"The technical characteristics of the production of vaccines most commonly used in childhood lead us to exclude the existence of morally relevant cooperation between people who use these vaccines today and the practice of voluntary abortion, "the statement said.

For its part, the academy stated that there was a "moral obligation to guarantee the immunization coverage necessary for the safety of others".

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