Accept the results of the 2020 elections depends on the conduct of Jean Mensa – Asiedu Nketia


General News on Wednesday, May 29, 2019



Asiedu Nketiah IPAC NDC Secretary General, Johnson Asiedu Nketia

The largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has given the strongest indication so far, that it will likely contest the results of the polls next year.

NDC Secretary General Johnson Asiedu Nketia, who notified the opposition party's intentions, said their actions or inactions will be largely based on the conduct of the President of the Electoral Commission (EC), Ms. Jean Mensa.

For him, if the conduct of the President of the European Commission concerning the rules governing the electoral process remains unchanged, it will be difficult for the CND to accept the outcome of the election results 2020.

Speaking at Okay FM's Ade Akye Abia morning show, the NDC scribes chief insisted that the NDC could trust EC by strictly enforcing laws governing the electoral process.

". . if it follows the application of the law prescribed for the EC, there will be a confidence in the results of the elections of 2020. "

"But if it continues in this tangent without complying with the law, with the exception of the application of its will in the electoral process, then it will be another matter. How can you trust this situation? . . . because the law was put in place to ensure confidence in EC operations, "he said.

However, he said that although the law allows the Electoral Commission (EC) to do self-employment, the Commission, in its wisdom, has established an all-party advisory committee (SCPI) to build confidence in the process. electoral.

"The law allows the EC to do self-employment, but why did the Commission create the IPAC in the first place? That's because they want political parties to trust the electoral process in the country, and therefore people trust the EC, which is why IPAC was created ", did he declare.

He therefore challenged the President of the European Commission to strongly oppose the decisions of the Electoral Commission if it decided to use only the constitutional mandate without involving political parties in issues that political activists do not understand.

"So, if she says that she will no longer work with IPAC but then she wants people to trust their activities, then it's up to her to decide." If she wishes, she should disband IPAC and use the constitutional power to make decisions about the electoral process. If no one understands these decisions, whatever we do to challenge that decision, we will do it. If she wishes, she can announce the dissolution of IPAC, because the Constitution does not prevent the Commission from using the law to make decisions about the electoral processes in the country, "dared President of the European Commission.

In his opinion, apart from Jean Mensa, no one at the EC can say anything that can be regarded as an official statement by the latter.

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