According to one study, vegan diets are the most balanced in blood sugar and satisfying


To feel better, balancing your blood sugar levels and maintaining a healthy weight, while feeling full and full, are top priorities. Fortunately, scientists may have found the best diet to achieve all of these goals at the same time.

Participants in a recent study only needed one vegan meal to reap all kinds of beneficial health benefits, all thanks to good intestinal hormones. In addition to feeling full and maintaining a healthy weight, these hormones have increased insulin sensitivity and the body's ability to use sugar.

But how do we know that these hormones really exploit the power of plants? The researchers maintained the same number of calories and macronutrients for all meals taken by the participants, whether they were herbal or that they ate meat and cheese. This means that the only real difference between what the participants ate was the presence of animal products.

Immediately after meals, those who ate herbal meals had higher levels of good intestinal hormones and were more likely to feel full and satisfied.

These full belly feelings can come from all the fibers contained in the plant-based meal. Fiber slows food digestion and has been badociated with lower levels of heart disease and gastrointestinal disorders.

Still need to convince? Eating a vegan diet, even on occasion, has tremendous benefits for the planet. If dipping into veganism seems a bit daunting, start slowly by exchanging a few meals a week with herbal meals. With such powerful health and planet benefits, it may be worthwhile to try.

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