Accra Waste Recovery Facility acquires a 200 metric ton recycling facility


This plant is the first of its kind in the country and is based on a robust technology adapted to Ghana's weather conditions.

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A state-of-the-art recycling and composting plant has been commissioned at the Accra Waste Recovery Facility.

The plant will also help to recover waste to produce compost and serve as A resource for industries.

In a speech read on his behalf by the Minister of Business Development, Mohammed Awal, Vice President, Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia congratulated waste management giant Zoomlion Ghana Limited on this initiative.

He also rented the Executive Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong, President of the Jospong Group of Companies, for his support of the government's vision of making Accra the cleanest city in the world subregion.

He added that the commissioning of the integrated plant and recycling facility for the production of organic compost and other materials would go a long way towards supporting the government's efforts to promote agriculture through the program ". Plant for Food and Employment "and the" One District, One Factory "program.

He added that the Government's creation of a stable macroeconomic environment for the private sector to flourish and expand will boost the economic transformation agenda and create more jobs for young people.

Other personalities, such as the Minister of Business Development, the Minister of Public Works and Housing, the Deputy Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industries , the Minister of Greater Accra, among others, took turns to speak.

The facility, the first of its kind to be introduced in the country, is based on a robust technology adapted to Ghana's climatic conditions, with a processing capacity of 200 metric tons of waste per day and nearly 100 metric tons of waste. compost per day to move more than 864,000 bags of chemical fertilizer imported to Ghana each year.

The facility will also serve as a research and training center for educational institutions where students will be allowed to use it for project work, internships, and related work. center for industrial visits and visits.

Accra Recovery Park

In his commissioning speech, Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong explained that Zoomlion, since its creation in 2006, has always considered waste as a resource to exploit. reusable products, resulting in the creation of Accra's Composting and Recycling Plant (ACARP), which produces the most compost in the country, and the Kumasi composting and recycling facility (KCARP) which is almost complete.

He said the non-availability of landfill sites in the country, its high operating cost and its desire to fulfill the president's vision of making Accra the cleanest city in the world. Africa has pushed its company to invest in recycling facilities and the creation of 16 more in all regions to tackle the huge waste problem in the country.

"Conscious that the waste management system in use could not match the speed at which the government was determined to ensure the protection of the environment, Zoomlion's motivation to be part of the solution This prompted us to collaborate with our European technology partners – Komptech Austria.

"We shared and exchanged ideas about the results of our research on the concept of mobile and integrated waste technology that can be quickly installed and able to manage the type of mixed waste we currently have in our communities. Technology research partnership is confirmed by the project of a $ 20 million integrated recycling and composting plant on the verge of being commissioned, "said Dr. Agyepong.

He added that many other businesses would be located in the Accra Waste Recovery Park (AWAP), an industrial enclave developed by the Jospong Group to provide innovative waste recovery solutions and turn them into waste. other essential products and services.

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