Adenta-Madina bridge projects still unfinished after six months | Social


The Adenta-Madina bridges, whose project started in November 2018 and should be completed within six months, have not yet been fully completed, although the period is over.

Aside from the Ritz Junction Gateway built by First Sky Limited, fully completed and used by road users, the other five bridges have reached various completion levels.

When the Ghana News Agency (GNA) visited the various construction sites on Monday, it found that work on most of the bridges was well advanced because the contractors were finalizing it.

The Redcowas footbridge was, however, a little behind the others because the concrete had not yet been poured onto the second part of the bridge bridge.

The GNA also observed that the usual presence of personnel from the Ghana Police Service Traffic and Transport Unit (MTTU) who normally badisted pedestrians to cross the road was absent at the six work sites. .

Mr. Rahid Osei Bonsu, member of the West Adenta constituency badembly, said that although he was dissatisfied with the completion level, he was aware that some of the contractors had difficulties in early, which delayed the process.

He explained that the contractor for the SDA Junction Bridge, for example, had a problem with the drainage system in the area and had to build a new culvert to allow the work to begin.

"I think the contractors working on the Redco Bridge disappointed us because they took a lot of time," he added. He does not understand why the entrepreneur works at a pace as slow as the others.
Mr. Bonsu said that although the project has been delayed, contractors are now always on the site every day and are confident that the work will be completed in about three weeks.

Mr. Selorm Branti, a regular user of the road, said that he was monitoring the progress of the project on a daily basis and had questioned the initial difficulties that the entrepreneurs had encountered.

He said that there was still much to be done at the SDA Junction, near the Tot-To-Teen School, a swampy area, adding that once the contractors would still be on site, they hoped the work would be completed soon.

It will be remembered that Thursday, November 8, 2018; a taxi overthrew a WASS student on the Adenta-Madina highway, causing her immediate demise, prompting local residents to demand the completion of bridges.

Residents blocked the road and burned car tires to prevent vehicle traffic, expressing their anger at the many reversals due to the unavailability of bridges.

It took timely intervention of the Ghana Police and National Fire Service personnel to extinguish the fire, restore mental health and allow free movement of road traffic.

On November 9, the Interdepartmental Committee on Roads and Highways, Transportation and the Interior issued a statement that work would begin in a week (November 16) on bridges.

However, some residents held another peaceful demonstration on Monday, Nov. 12, to reiterate the need for the government to urgently repair unfinished walkways designed to protect pedestrian lives.

On the same Monday, officials from the Ghana Highway Authority brought six contractors to the site, ready to begin work on the unfinished bridges after receiving the architectural drawings.

On Monday, April 1, Ghana's highway authorities announced that the Adenta-Madina bridges project was 80 per cent complete.

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