Adoption of the draft law on the authority of arboreal crops – Ntim


Iddi Yire, RNG

Peduase (E / R), March
26, GNA – As part of efforts to boost tree production in the
country, the draft law on the authority of Ghanaian cultures will be adopted by
Parliament by the end of the year.

Mr. Collins Ntim, a
The Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development stated that the bill had
pbaded through the validation stage and was now ready for further action by

He said harvesting trees
The authority was supposed to provide the regulatory mechanism for its operations
from the level of production to marketing and was going to be purely
led by the private sector.

Mr. Ntim did this
known in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on the sideline of
the seventh edition of the Master Training Program on the Cashew Value Chain
Promotion at Peduase in the southern district of Akuapem of the eastern region.

Master training
The program is organized by the Competition Cashew Initiative
(GIZ / ComCashew) in partnership with the African Cashew Alliance with the support of
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) and the Cocoa Research Program
Ghana Institute.

He seeks to increase
theoretical knowledge and practical skills of African cashew experts along the
value chain and therefore to further promote the competitiveness of African countries.

The program provides
a platform for 85 cashew experts from nine African countries: Ghana,
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Mozambique, Guinea, Nigeria and
Sierra Leone, to share knowledge, discuss best practices and lessons learned
as well as to build national and regional networks for future collaborations.

Mr Ntim
noted that the Authority would be created by the end of the year;
adding that, in the 2019 budget, a provision of 1,000,000.00 GH ¢ had
been made for that.

He said
program "Plantation for Export and Rural Development" (PERD), which
President, April 24, was a decentralized national initiative.
Tree Crops Program to Promote Rural Economic Growth and Improve Households
income of rural farmers through the provision of certified improved seedlings,
extension services, business support and regulatory mechanisms focused on
cashew, coffee, cotton, coconut, citrus, palm oil, mango, rubber and shea

Mr. Ntim noted
that the government was putting in place systems to be able to do very well in terms
cashew production through the various programs and interventions; add
that the government was also relying on other ongoing programs and interventions
implemented by various donor agencies.

He said the ministry
of local government leveraged Ghana's productive safety net project
support 80 districts in the production of cashew nuts, mangoes and shea nuts.

He said the government
this year has committed approximately USD 2,000,000 for Ghana Productive Safety Net

He said over the years
Ghana's agricultural economy relied only on cocoa in terms of cash
crops and changing climatic conditions, hitherto reserved areas
used to support cocoa are no longer supporting; stating that "we are therefore losing
get out of the cocoa ".

He said because of
that it was necessary to diversify the agricultural system of the nation;
As a result, the government launched the PERD program as a way to vary
in terms of agricultural production.

He said questions of
agricultural policies emanate from MoFA, but were implemented at the time.
district level; Therefore, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo had positioned a
Deputy Minister at the Department of Local Government and Rural Development to be appointed
responsible for agriculture and rural development.

Mr. Ntim said that it was
ensure the free flow of policy formulation and implementation.


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