Africa's largest off-grid solar powered project has been commissioned at FOCOS hospital


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As part of its commitment to providing top quality orthopedic health care in Ghana and beyond, the Complex Orthopedic Spine Foundation (FOCOS) has launched a large project powered off-grid solar power.

The 700KWP hybrid solar system with LMWH battery storage was presented by experts as the largest in Africa.

The project, the first of its kind in the country, valued at more than $ 1.5 million, was made possible thanks to the kindness of a US-based couple (Mr. and Mrs. Heylands) and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNP) C.

Sun Power Innovations, the engineers behind the project, also granted a huge $ 400,000 rebate on the project.

Representing the Deputy Minister of Energy, Wisdom Togobo, Director of Renewable Energy, praised the efforts of all donors / sponsors for this gesture.

"The government wants to install solar energy in remote areas. The FOCOS hospital consumes far more energy, which is why this philanthropic gesture is good. "

He encouraged the private sector to strengthen efforts by the Ministry of Energy to provide rooftop solar energy to needy areas and institutions.

He reiterated the importance of solar energy, not to mention the huge costs that normal electricity entails for FOCOS electricity bills, which bring in just over 100,000 GHS per month. .

Professor Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, President and Founder of FOCOS Hospital, expressed his enthusiasm for the realization of this project and called on the public to support the FOCOS Hospital as it is about 39, a non-profit hospital that cares for patients who can not afford the spine. surgery of joints and bones.

He recounted how the funding for this project was realized. He pointed out that a patient grateful to the United States (Heylands) had decided to sponsor patient referrals and other hospital projects, including this solar project.

"For us, this means more money for patients, because the electricity bills will be reduced by at least 60%," he expressed deep gratitude to the donors of this project. .

He also took the opportunity to appeal to all to support an endowment fundraising campaign to raise $ 50 million to support patients in need and build capacity for research, research and development. Education and awareness programs. Such a fund will be made possible if at least 500,000 Ghanaians contribute GHS 100,00 each to this fund for a period of five years.

Speaking about the plethora of benefits that this facility will bring to FOCOS, Mr. Eric Adjah, Technical Manager of SunPower Innovation, said, "This is one of the first in the industry. hospital that will help the FOCOS hospital to reduce its huge electricity bills and to supply the hospital with electricity 24 hours a day, the generator serving only as a reserve "

Launch of the FOCOS Solor 1 project

Among the members of the FOCOS leadership present at the ceremony were Ambbadador Ambbadador Fritz Poku, Chairman of the Board of FOCOS Hospital, Dr. Joseph Ogyaadu, Medical Director, Dr. Ofori Amankwah, Director of Medical Services and Dr. Irene Wulff, Associate Medical Director.

Ms. Rebecca Kwabi, recently crowned Miss Ghana, and her finalist were also present.


The Orthopedic and Spine Complex is a non-profit organization established in 1998 in the United States and Ghana by Dr. Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Weill-Corner Medical College, Cornell University, and Specialized hospital. Surgery

FOCOS 'mission is to provide the highest quality and affordable orthopedic care to people who would not otherwise have access to such treatment.

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