A few days after the release of Foxconn's Louis Woo Reuters Foxconn says the plant plan is being reinstated and that the company no longer plans to build a plant in Wisconsin.
"After productive discussions between the White House and society, and after a personal conversation between President Donald J. Trump and President Terry Gou, Foxconn is continuing the planned construction of our Gen 6 plant," the statement said. A Generation 6 installation is smaller than the factory initially promised by Foxconn in 2017, but larger than the badembly facility that Foxconn had built yesterday.
Foxconn has changed its plans several times since 2017, when the then governor, Scott Walker, ran the company with a record $ 4.5 billion grant in taxpayer subsidies. At the time, Foxconn had promised a state-of-the-art "Gen 10.5" screen production facility, and Walker and Trump touted the US manufacturing jobs agreement. In June of last year, however, the company announced that it would make a much smaller installation of "Gen 6". This week, the company announced that it would not do screens in Wisconsin at all, but would instead make a mix of badembly and "knowledge work". The sudden change of plans seemed to take the Wisconsin agents by surprise, and locals worried about the future of their communities.
Yesterday, the company said The edge that the market has changed since the announcement of the project in Wisconsin, but that the company remains committed to the technology park project and achieves its original goal of creating 13,000 jobs. Regarding what people would do in the park, the company has focused on research on its "AI 8K + 5G ecosystem." She also listed a number of projects that will begin over the next 18 months, including a research and development center and an badembly facility.
Today's statement that the Gen 6 plant will be built does not contain a calendar or other details.
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