After banning plastic bags, NYC will now tax paper bags


2019 is the year in which the state of New York pbaded new laws to phase out plastic bags and prohibit them. Although one can argue against the use of plastic in anything that can not be recycled indefinitely, it remained a fairly radical step to take before suitable and affordable substitutes could be available. At least in the case of shopping bags, however (one of the most common uses for plastic bags), you had an old-school alternative. Paper bags have their drawbacks but are usually able to bring home shopping.

But hold the phone! In New York, the ban on plastic bags was not enough. At present, city council plans to increase costs by taxing paper bags. This plan will definitely save the world. (CBS New York)

Two members of City Council announced their intention to legislate to impose a tax on paper bags.
The proposal follows the state that bans most single-use plastic bags starting next March.

Under the new law, each municipality has the option of imposing a 5 cent tax on paper bags.

Whether you agree or disagree, you can at least understand a little why some people oppose the use of plastic bags. They fill the dumps faster than we can dig new ones and do not decompose for centuries. The amount of plastic waste in the oceans is obscene and harms wildlife. I understood. If we can find better alternatives, I will certainly be ready to give them a look. But paper bags? Paper is pretty much the most recyclable thing we produce. In addition, it decomposes fairly quickly without leaving a lot of toxic residue, unless you stick it with ink.

The problem with the disposal of all plastic bags is that paper does not replace all the work they do. (Anyone who walks his dog regularly knows what I'm talking about here.) It's the same for many plastic products. Have you tried using paper straws? They last about five seconds, then collapse. Working to replace plastic is a laudable goal, but you have to give technology a chance to catch up.

New York politicians claiming the tax say it's a way to encourage people to bring their own reusable canvas or canvas bags to the store. For full disclosure, we have a set of these bags and use them every week. But you still want cold products in a plastic bag. (Plus, I have a dog, so …) But that really comes down to another chance for the city government to tax people and generate more income. Five hundred per bag, that 's a lot of money in a city that has ten million consumers. And that's how all sin taxes work. If something was really dangerous or evil, the government could just ban it. But if you claim it as an evil, you can turn it into a source of income.

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