AI-led portable acts as a social guide for children with autism


The authors found that the score of the VABS-II socialization subscale had increased significantly between the beginning and the end of the intervention in the study group, with a mean impact on treatment of 4 , 58 points. The EGG, NEPSY-II and SRS-II scores also reflected greater positive positive changes in treatment participants compared to controls, but these changes were not significant.

"Additional gains in post-test 2 have been observed for SRS-II and EGG, but in the absence of post-test control data 2, we can not exclude a practical effect for these measures," Voss wrote. his co-authors. "Overall, these findings support the hypothesis that Superpower Glbad intervention can improve the social skills of children with ASD as an extension of standard treatment."

The authors stated that these smart tools do not replace traditional CBA but can help generalize children's social skills to a broader environment and serve as a "bridge of care" while waiting to see a therapist.

"The intervention reinforces the facial engagement and the recognition of emotions, suggesting that one or the other or both could be a mechanism of action leading to the following. observed improvement ", Voss et al. wrote. "This study highlights the potential of digital home therapy to improve the quality of care."

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