AIDS Commission launches web-based system to improve data on key populations


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The Ghana AIDS Commission has launched a web-based system called the Unique Identification System for Ghanaian Populations (GKPUIS), intended to improve the data process for key population programs (KP) in Ghana.

The GKPUIS system, which is a unique and locally developed national electronic database system, was developed in partnership with West Blue Consulting, an information technology consulting firm, using state-of-the-art technology that also ensures secure centralized system.

Its unique features include the generation of unique identification codes (UICs) based on the predefined system to uniquely identify each member of the KP community and the ability to minimize double counting.

Mokowah Blay Adu-Gyamfi, Presidential Advisor for HIV and AIDS, in his opening address at launch in Accra, on Tuesday, congratulated the GAC and WestBlue Consulting for the great achievement achieved through hard work.

She said that GKPUIS, which would contribute to a large extent to generating summary reports for various program indicators, announced that the development of GKPUIS was fully funded by the Government of Ghana, with PEPFAR also funding training of trainers for the program. PK. Execution partners.

She said the theme of the launch, which was "Do not leave anyone behind by reaching the excluded," could not be better, as the system seeks to provide services to all PKs and vulnerable groups and improve the quality of life. Datas.

Dr. Adu-Gyamfi said that the launch, so "Traces the path to an improved, accurate and reliable data management system for the key population program in Ghana and also supports effective and evidence-based planning, which is based on data for the national response".

Mr Kyeremeh Atuahene, Acting Director General of the Ghana AIDS Commission, who launched the GKPUIS, noted that HIV prevalence among the KP subpopulation was several times higher than that of the general population. The AIDS response was not only a reasonable thing to do, but a best practice in public health.

"In this regard, as a public health institution, the Ghana AIDS Commission does not promote the activities of these subpopulations. Instead, the Commission seeks to fulfill its mandate by ensuring that every HIV-negative Ghanaian continues to live without HIV and that people living with HIV receive life-saving treatment and care services in a sustainable way. " he declares.

Still in this public health perspective, he said that controlling HIV among PCs is the best approach to reduce new infections in the general population, and that "if we choose to exclude key populations, they and people belonging to their badual networks would transmit the virus. in the general population.

He said that it was in this spirit to leave no one behind until GKPUIS had been developed to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of HIV and AIDS programs designed for FPs and that, as soon as At its launch, the GAC would present to its implementing partners and stakeholders a new tool for the collection, badysis and use of accurate and reliable data to improve the quality of decision-making. management.

He stated that the system lays the foundation for estimating the size of the PC population at hotspots and communities, as well as better monitoring and tracking of services received. [GR21] as they moved from one locality to another.

Mr Atuahene said the system would be fully compliant with data protection and security regulations, and that all users would strictly adhere to the confidentiality requirements. enrolled and maintained and have been removed from a viral point of view.

The GKPUIS platform would create an enabling environment for an increased culture of data use among KP organizations, which would not only collect data, but would also badyze it to track monthly goals and results. tendencies and find ways to improve the quality of management and services to ensure effective community-level intervention.

In addition, the success of the system would require continued support and commitment from KP implementation partners to maintain ongoing collaboration with the Commission to ensure the sustainability of the GKPUIS system.

Alexander Abban, Deputy Minister of Health, congratulated the GAC and its partners for the partnership, noting that the development of GKPUIS would make a significant contribution to high quality the data was captured in a unique way.

He said the ministry was confident that all KP organizations would find the system useful for capturing data needed for policy formulation and service delivery in Ghana and beyond.

Mr Mark Addo, Director General of WestBlue Consulting, said Ghana was at the forefront of using these technologies, with India and Morocco making similar progress, and the country's achievements being the driving force behind like-minded countries that they hoped for.

He said the system would improve l & # 39; efficiency Commission's activities and contribute to the long-term common vision of achieving the Millennium Development Goals, and pledged its team's continued support for the sustainability of the GKPUIS program for future generations.

Dr. Michael Melchior, Country Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Ghana, commended Ghana for the credible measures taken to achieve the goal of UNAIDS 90-90-90, in order to diagnose 90% of all cases. HIV-positive people provide antiretroviral therapy to 90% of those diagnosed and viral suppression in 90% of those treated by 2020.

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