Akatsi South nuclear power plant chairman calls for calm ahead of MMDCE announcement


Supporters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the South Akatsi municipality of the Volta region have been urged to exercise calm during and after the announcement of the appointment of a municipal chief executive (MCE ) for the region.

Mr. Richard Kujo Abledu, NPP Akatsi Constituency Chairman, said in a press release that Akatsi South was the winner and not a person to bring unity and cohesion to the party now and forever .

“As we all wait for His Excellency the President to fulfill his constitutional mandate in accordance with Article 243 of the 1992 constitution at a press conference by the Minister of Local Government today, we urge all ‘krukudites’ to remain calm and determined to rally with those that emerge. as the next ECM for Akatsi South, ”the statement read.

He added a favorite quote from Mother Teresa: “None of us, including me, do great things. But we can do little things, with a lot of love, and together we can do something wonderful. ”

The government, through the Ministry of Local Communities, at a press briefing Sunday, September 19, is expected to release the long-awaited list of people leading the 254 assemblies in Ghana.

Akatsi residents eagerly await the announcement of the presidential candidate.

Mr. Leo Nelson Adzidogah, a former parliamentary candidate for the Akatsi South nuclear power plant who is also the current MCE, some say, must be brought back.

However, the Ghanaian News Agency (GNA) after interacting with some supporters, revealed that they had no doubts that their former constituency president, Mr. Kofitse Martin Nyahe, would be their new MCE.


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