Akufo-Addo Govt has hijacked the NHIS GHS17m fund for all-time capital – NDC | Policy


The main opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), accused the Akufo-Addo government of illegally transferring 17,548,377.20 GHS from the National Health Insurance Scheme funds into a private money management company, All Time Capital Investment, which has not paid back this money.

At a press conference held in Accra on Monday, April 15, 2019, Mr. Sammy Gyamfi, the party's communication officer at the national level, said: "Recently, in his speech on the state of the nation and during a tour of the United States, President Akufo Addo spread a blatant lie when he claimed that the NHIS was "dynamic and that he had come back to life".

"In fact, the NHIS, well known to the President, is in a deplorable state and is looking to breathe at all costs. Currently, the NHIS owes service providers in the sixteen regions of Ghana, covering a period of nearly twelve (12) months. This has led most health facilities in distress.

"For example, the Daily Graphic reported Thursday, March 28, 2019 that the Central Regional Hospital was on its knees and urged the payment of an amount of 6.1 million GHS owed to it by the Plan, so to settle its indebtedness towards the suppliers of critical drugs and medical consumables.

"This is just one example among others of how our health facilities are paralyzed because of the huge indebtedness of the SNIS towards service providers. Ladies and gentlemen, we have also taken note of President Akufo-Addo's persistent badertions that his government had settled a total of the GHS 1.2 billion arrears that he had inherited from the Mahama government. We wish to state unequivocally that this statement is false and is not corroborated by the facts.

"After the Association of Private Clinics and Public Hospitals Challenged this claim, it might have been thought that the President would give up this obvious trickery, but it seems President Akufo-Addo is determined to deceive. the nation The indisputable evidence contained in the 2017 NHIS fund distribution formula presented to the House of Parliament by the Minister of Health show that the total backlog of claims for the National Health Insurance Plan s & # 39, amounted to 425.79 million GHS in December 2016. President Akufo-Addo and exposes him as very dishonest, "said Mr. Gyamfi.

Mr Gyamfi said such problems had made the NHIS unattractive, explaining that currently the program had 10.410 million inhabitants compared to 10.786 million in 2016.

"The statistics above illustrate the loss of confidence of Ghanaians in the national health insurance system and highlight the terrible difficulties in which this system was plunged by the Akufo-Addo government," Gyamfi said. .

The party continued, "It is interesting to note that although best practices dictate the use of 75% to 80% of the funds accumulated to finance the project, the Akufo-Addo government currently uses only 60.64% accumulated funds from INSA for its activities. intended purpose. This indicates that the Akufo-Addo government has misused the funds from INSA, and we can talk about many of these cases. For example, in 2018, about 163 million GHS of NSI funds were used to pay a nurse training stipend. As the program continues to struggle, more than 300 million GHS should be dedicated to ICT and 5 million GH ¢ are dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in 2019. This is an aberration complete with respect to the main purpose of the fund. The misuse of INSA's free funds stems largely from the cap-and-trade policy put in place by the Akufo-Addo government, during which more than one billion Cedis of Ghana were diverted to the country. benefits from projects unrelated to the government's core objectives. scheme.

"Our audits also revealed that, even if the plan did not have sufficient funds, the government is entrusting the management of claims to a private company, which would result in increased costs for the already overburdened plan. Friends of the media, these harsh realities have resulted in the loss of the NHIS's fortunes, hence its inability to meet the critical health needs of Ghanaians. We believe that these acts of mismanagement of the NHIS must be immediately canceled to save the system from total collapse. Let me say that all the above statistics are contained in the 2019 annual allocation formula and in other documents submitted by the NHIA to Parliament's Health Committee.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have already shown you enough evidence of the misapplication of NSI funds by the Akufo-Addo government, which hastily precipitates the end of the project. However, some scandals that we have discovered that have plotted with the above are perhaps even more flagrant to paralyze the scheme. Our careful investigations revealed that when President Akufo-Addo took office, the National Health Insurance Authority, without any due diligence and with indecent haste, had transferred an amount of seventeen million , five hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-seven Ghana Cedis and twenty pesewas (17,548,377.20 GHS) in three tranches to a private financial corporation, All-Time Capital Limited, so-called investment . Irrefutable evidence at our disposal indicates that, despite repeated efforts since November 2018 to recover the funds invested and accrued interest, all time-Capital Limited has not repaid.

"Recently, some NHIA employees were unhappy. All Time-Capital Limited informed the NHIA General Manager that it could only attempt certain payments if the funds invested were allowed to be used for an additional year. This situation contributes to the aggravation of the financial situation of the plan. Ladies and Gentlemen, it was this same financial company, All Time-Capital Limited, which helped ease the liquidity support provided by Bank of Ghana to Capital Bank, which eventually led to the creation of Sovereign Bank. , which collapsed. In light of the above, there is no reason to deny that this transaction is not limited to what we think.

"Members of the media, the overwhelming revelations above must concern all Ghanaians. The national health insurance scheme, which was supposed to provide a safety net to protect our population in terms of health care needs, is about to collapse due to mismanagement and lack of health care. Imprudence of the Akufo-Addo Government. The situation has become so much worse that unpaid suppliers are currently driving out service providers from their hospitals and poor NHIS cardholders are denied access to hospitals, including public facilities. We must therefore unite to condemn this flagrant abuse of the regime. The NDC will not relinquish our responsibility to hold this government accountable for its mismanagement of the NHIS and the health sector as a whole. "

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