Akufo-Addo has nothing to show for the past 5 years; he must apologize to Otumfuo, Asanteman for the deception – NDC


The Ashanti regional branch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is asking President Nana Akufo-Addo to apologize to Otumfuo and Asanteman for his broken promises.

According to the minority, the president has nothing substantial to show in the Ashanti region despite the huge promises made before becoming president.

“In the run-up to the 2020 elections, President Akufo-Addo, in his desperation for re-election, claimed to have cut the ground for the start of the Boankra Inner Port and the 83.5 standard gauge railway line. kilometers from Kumasi to Obuasi. . This turned out to be one of the biggest political deceptions of the 21st century, as there is nothing to show on these sites almost a year later.

“We expect President Akufo-Addo to offer a wholehearted apology to the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu in particular, and the people of the Ashanti region for this great deception,” a statement from the NDC branch in the region. of Ashanti signed by the communication manager Abass. Nurudeen said.

According to the NDC, public sector workers in the Ashanti region also want to know why President Akufo-Addo and Dr Bawumia have seen their wages increase by 79%, to offer them only a measly 4% increase.

This and many questions are asked by the NDC branch in the Ashanti region in the press release.

They say they expect the president to provide answers to all relevant questions from residents of the Ashanti region and also to apologize to Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu in particular and the set of Asanteman.

The president officially started a tour of the Ashanti region today.

Below is the NDC press release:


We have received reports that President Nana Akufo-Addo will begin his tour of the Ashanti region today, Friday October 1, 2021. This follows a successful and well-received thank-you tour from former President John Dramani Mahama. from the region a few weeks ago.

It is unfortunate that President Akufo-Addo has nothing substantial to show for the past 5 years that he has been in power in the region, which has been widely described as the political stronghold of the New Patriotic Party.

As the 2020 elections approach, President Akufo-Addo, in his desperation for re-election, claimed to have cut the ground for the start of the Boankra Inner Port and the 83.5 standard gauge railway line. kilometers from Kumasi to Obuasi. This turned out to be one of the biggest political deceptions of the 21st century, as there is nothing to show on these sites almost a year later. We expect President Akufo-Addo to offer a wholehearted apology to the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu in particular, and the people of the Ashanti region for this great deception.

In addition, the Ashanti region, as the starting center of Ghana, continues to falter under the incompetent economic management of the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government occasioned by the recent introduction of killer taxes, unexpected increases in prices of petroleum products, the sharp depreciation of the cedi and the closure of land borders with neighboring countries.

These factors have combined to raise living standards to unacceptable levels in the region and also create an unfavorable business environment, leading to the closure of several Ashanti businesses on the verge of collapse.

The poultry industry in the Ashanti region has been brought to its knees due to the shortage of corn which is a key ingredient in the preparation of poultry feed. The good people of the Ashanti region want to know what happened to the much-vaunted “Plant for Food and Jobs” policy, which was supposed to boost the production of grains of which corn is an integral part.

In addition, Mr President, the small-scale miners in the Ashanti region want to know why members of your party continue to engage in illegal activities in Galamsey as part of the “hia sika party agenda” then. that they were asked to stop all mining related activities. , although they have the legal authority to do so.

President Mahama, during his recent thank you tour to the Ashanti region, touted his unparalleled development track record such as Kejetia Central Market Project, Kumasi Airport Project, Rattray Park, Project water Konongo-Kumawu-Kwahu, the Afari military hospital with 500 beds. , 120-bed Fomena District Hospital, 120-Kumawu District Hospital, 250-bed Ashanti Regional Hospital, 14 new high schools to name a few. We expect President Akufo-Addo to tell the world why he has abandoned these hospital projects as people seek quality health care and how he has used the over $ 300 billion borrowed so far. to have an impact on the lives of the people of the Ashanti region.

Public sector workers in the Ashanti region want to know why President Akufo-Addo and Dr Bawumia have seen their wages increase by 79%, only to offer them a measly 4% increase. Does the NPP government really value the contribution of public sector workers to the development of this country?

Finally, the insecurity situation in the Ashanti region has reached frightening levels. The Ashanti region tops the list of violent crime among Ghana’s 16 regions. The security agencies supposed to lead the charge are critically under-resourced. We expect President Akufo-Addo to stop his frequent rentals of private jets for his overseas trips at great expense to the nation and to invest those funds in the acquisition of bulletproof vests, hard hats and helmets. other security equipment for the security agencies so that they will be better placed to curb the alarming incidence of violent crime in the Ashanti region. We hope and pray that President Akufo-Addo provides answers to these pertinent questions.

Thank you


Abass Nurudeen


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