Akufo-Addo, most of the resources financed by Prez … What's he done with all the money? – Sammy Gyamfi Queries | Policy


The communication officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) wonders why Ghanaians are still struggling with economic problems while all resources have been made available to President Akufo-Addo.

According to him, before the former president John Mahama leaves office, he has put in place many measures to facilitate the task of his successor, "leaving a dynamic economy driven by the mining and oil sectors ".

Sammy Gyamfi, who was talking to the back of & # 39;Kum Yen Preko& # 39; demonstration at a roundtable on Peace FM& # 39; morning show & # 39;Kokrokoo & # 39; was saddened, however, to note that, despite all the positive economic evidence,the current government led by President Akufo-Addo has not met the expectations and the level of difficulty experienced is unmatched … it seems that they (NPP) underestimate the difficulties in Ghana … all these funds borrowed, what projects to show for? … what is Akufo-Addo for?"

Look at his quote below:

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