Akufo-Addo's neglected after the 2016 elections – Mampontenghene cries


General News on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Source: mynewsgh.com


Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II

Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II, chief of Mamponteng in the East Kwabre municipality of Ashanti region, openly expressed outrage at the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), and President Nana Akufo Addo for neglecting her people in the last three years. Office.

He said he was shocked by the fact that the government did not pay attention to his people after winning the largest number of votes in the Kwabre East constituency in the 2016 elections.

"We are always proud to have given this government the greatest number of votes, but we have nothing to show about it. The NDC did something small for us by starting to build a market. So we expected our own nuclear power plant to do a lot better, but we did not see anything, "he said.

The chief was speaking Tuesday on a durbar of his palace, while he had summoned the deputy, the Hon. Francisca Oteng Mensah, Executive Director of Nana Osei Municipality Asibey Bonsu and NPP leaders from the Kwabre East constituency will present to the people and explain why the necessary development has not been made.

"Today is a great day of anger. I know my people are very angry at this government because it feels betrayed, "said the respected leader, but called for calm.

Barimah Saasi Ayeboafo said that he had reached a point where he should be headed by the deputy and that the MCE would address the president to demand the development of his city.

"President Nana Addo spends here all the time, but there was not a single day when he stopped to greet us, but we gave him the greatest number of votes," he said. he noted.

The leader, who was wearing a troubled face, said, "The president must know that even if we only give him one vote, it should have allowed him to give him the power, so he had to give us some attention ".

"I do not blame the deputy or the ERM", but the government must know that Mamponteng, as a municipal capital, deserves a facelift.

"Apart from the highway that runs through the city towards Mampong, not a meter of roads in our city has been tarred; the abandonment of the NDC market project is also a great source of concern for us, "he lamented.

The hon. Member, the hon. Francisca Oteng Mensah, however, badured that the NPP government and Nana Akufo Addo would do their best to bring development to the region before the expiry of his first term.

She said that the city's roads and the market project remained a priority, taking advantage of the description of the main projects and initiatives undertaken by the government to improve the lot of the population of Kwabre East.

President Nana Akufo Addo has secured a record 71,000 votes from Kwabre East's only electoral district in the 2016 elections, but the public says she has not yet benefited from her government in terms of physical infrastructure.

READ: We're going to uproot you like cbadava in 2020 – Angry residents say "disrespectful disrespect" by NPP MP He lamented the poor state of the streets of Mamponteng City and the market.

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