Alert boys shout at lack of available jobs; say that they would stop only when they would find a job news Ghana News


Kandahar Boys, a self-defense group affiliated with the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) based in Tamale in the northern region, advised President Akufo-Addo to provide them with jobs before ending their activities.

They added that the president's vision of ending political activism would be a mirage if it did not provide them with jobs.

Mohamudu Shamudeen, spokesman for the Kandahar Boys, has been known to have arrested the chief executive of Tamale Teaching Hospital and asked the president to provide them with jobs before dismantling his activities.

Alert boys shout at lack of available jobs; say that they would only stop when they would find a job

Boys from Kandahar
Source: UGC
Source: UGC

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"They should act now to put an end to the activity of vigilance. They should make sure that they employ everyone because we are also human beings. We have families, we have people we take care of," he said.

He added that the government would have a hard time banning vigilance groups if jobs were not created to occupy the people involved.

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