Alert Throwers Qualify Gender Reassignment of "Unregulated Live Testing on Children"


Five NHS clinicians resign for ethical and security concerns about "real life experiences" on children.

The only NHS children's clinic in the UK has been accused of conducting field experiments, administering life-changing drugs, with no evidence of their long-term effects.

NHS specialists have warned the general public that vulnerable children and young adolescents are rushing to change their bad without giving the experts time to badess their cause of confusion about gender. As a result, they are administered with irreversible hormone blockers.

Five clinicians from the Tavistock Center in London also resigned from the clinic and spoke out against these procedures, citing concerns about the rules of ethics and safety of treatment given to young people who identify as transgender. Former staff members were responsible for choosing which children to receive these medications.

"In the last two years, I have felt that many children are in danger. I was there to protect children from harm, "said a clinician, while another added that" this experimental treatment is applied not only to children, but also to very vulnerable children. "[1]

The five staff members believe that transgender charities have a deleterious effect on disoriented children and adolescents because they present such a procedure that aims to solve all problems without addressing their vulnerability and confusion.

Speaking of the confusion these children face, a former clinician explained that these vulnerable children often suffer from mental health problems and mental health problems or are victims of physical and psychological violence from their family and their children. friends. She added that these problems, which are the source of such confusion, are being swept aside and therefore not badyzed by specialists, who could draw credible conclusions and provide the appropriate solution to these problems.[2]

Staff continued to argue that the bodies of children were being damaged to deal with problems arising from the problems and interactions of society. In addition, the haste to celebrate this so-called "new identity" has allowed institutions to ignore complex stories that could explain the state of confusion and vulnerability.

Professor Carl Henegham, director of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, supports these recent calls and questioned the safety of the so-called drug treatments used by the clinic. He argues that these treatments are "supported by evidence of low quality or, in many cases, no evidence at all" and that, without proper review, such procedures could have harmful consequences, possibly leaving a young person harder than before. # 39; before.[1] He adds:

"Given the scarcity of evidence, non-compliant drug use [for outcomes not covered by the medicine’s licence] treatment of gender dysphoria largely means an unregulated live experience on children ",[3]

Different cultural ideas and beliefs about gender and baduality have increasingly been the source of disputes and controversies. In Birmingham, for example, hundreds of Muslim parents protested against the badbadination of LGBT ideology with the deputy director of their children's school from the 99% of Muslim students.[4]

In Wales, female students have been absent because they do not like the mixed toilets installed. Female students choose to stay at home because they feel they can not use the bathroom for fear of being "shameful" for boys who use the same bathroom.[5]

There are also reports of Muslim students, who carry the hijab, feeling uncomfortable going to the mixed toilets, as they fear that the boys are watching them while they adjust their hijab.[5]

Another study conducted by the University of Warwick found that four out of ten female students were victims of badual harbadment in schools in England and Wales due to the imposition of mixed toilets.[5]








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