Alex Jones appears to be taking ivermectin on the air, mentions Joe Rogan, during Covid-19 Rant


If you generally take Alex Jones’ opinion, you may have seen Friday’s episode of his show before. Infowar.

In the episode, Jones showed his package. In fact, he showed two packages. One package appeared to contain 3 mg doses of ivermectin, the other 4 mg doses of the corticosteroid methylprednisolone. As you can see in the video accompanying the following tweet, he then appeared to put one of the ivermectin pills in his mouth and swallow it with a hunter from a green bottle:

Of course, you can’t say for sure that it was actually ivermectin that Jones took. After all, you’re not Jones’ stomach, and here’s a shock: Not everything you see on TV is real. Yes, all the bachelorettes chosen by The single person is really in love with the bachelor on this “reality” TV show. Likewise, it can be difficult to tell if someone ingested a dewormer medication versus a breath mint versus an erectile dysfunction drug on TV.

Nonetheless, Jones accompanied his swallowing with, surprise, surprise, a rant: “See that?” See this Fauci? You see this Bill Gates. I will kill these prions, you [expletive] murderers, are you going to hit me with a bioweapon? You are a monster.”

OK, to be clear, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is not a prion. Calling the Covid-19 coronavirus a prion would be like calling your toilet bed. “Honey, let’s go to bed” would be very different from “Honey, let’s go to the bathroom”. The same would be true of “I just dropped a devil in the toilet” with respect to, well, you see the picture.

Prions are not the same as viruses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describe prions as “abnormal pathogens that are transmissible and are able to induce abnormal folding of specific normal cellular proteins called prion proteins that are most abundantly found in the brain. “. The name prion comes from “infectious protein particle”. A prion is smaller than a virus, can only be seen under an electron microscope, and does not contain nucleic acid, which is different from viruses that contain it.

Jones continued his rant with, “Do you want to kill me? You want to kill me? You son of a [expletive]! You [expletive] Devil. Do you think I’m easy to kill? I think I’ll turn to you [expletive]? “

Jones then chanted “Win the Nobel Prize for Humans!” Nobel Prize for Man! Nobel Prize Winner for Man! Of course, William C. Campbell, PhD, and Satoshi Ōmura, PhD, won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work on the development of avermctin / ivermectin. However, what Jones should have chanted based on the current Nobel Prize press release was “the Nobel Prize winner for discovering a new drug, avermectin, the derivatives of which have drastically reduced the incidence of river blindness and of lymphatic filariasis, while showing its effectiveness against a growing number of other parasitic diseases, but the Covid-19 coronavirus is not a parasite! Nobel Prize for the discovery of a new drug, avermectin, whose derivatives have radically reduced the incidence of river blindness and lymphatic filariasis, and have shown their effectiveness against a growing number of other diseases parasitic, but the Covid-19 coronavirus is not a parasite! “It is perhaps harder to say that” she sells seashells “and does not have the same theatrical effect, however Just because something won a Nobel Prize for treating a disease doesn’t mean it works against all diseases.

Then Jones started to mention Joe Rogan, who hosts the popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. This is probably because Rogan recently revealed that he was taking ivermectin after being diagnosed with Covid-19, as reported by Joe Walsh for Forbes. Jones said the following about Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID): “And Joe Rogan kicked your ass too. You would love to bury it too, you little maggot monster.

Jones then claimed that people called him and Rogan “so stupid” and “they’re both going to be dead.”

He followed that up by saying, “Yeah, that’s why Joe is worth around $ 300 million, yeah, he’s really stupid.” That’s why he lives in a $ 60 million house by the river. Is it the money argument? The argument that having more money and a nicer house means that you are better than everyone else, that you know more than everyone else, at least more than people with less money and a worse house. , maybe a van by the river? Jones failed to mention that Gates has even more money than Rogan and may have a more expensive house as well. Jones added this about Rogan: “He’s the one on the front page with Dave Chappelle, not you. You are stupid.”

Well, that’s unfortunate for all of the “Not Headlining With Dave Chappelle,” which probably includes most Jones viewers and most everyone for that matter.

Jones concluded the segment by shouting that Fauci “wants the planet for himself and he wants you dead!” Well guess what Fauci, we don’t turn around and die that easily. You little murderer! What is the Fauci? Really, is this the end of the game, with Fauci wanting the planet all to himself? And for what reason ? Say, “OK, Dave Chappelle, now that everyone’s gone, don’t you have a choice to do the front page with me?” Oh, and this house by the river is mine.

The other thing that isn’t clear in the episode is why exactly Jones was supposed to take ivermectin. Does that mean he has Covid-19? Is he suggesting that people should constantly take ivermectin every day?

As I have already written for Forbes, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned against taking ivermectin to prevent or treat Covid-19. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Covid-19 treatment guidelines indicate that there is insufficient evidence to support the use of ivermectin. Jones putting what is supposed to be ivermectin in his mouth really doesn’t prove anything. Rogan also doesn’t say he took ivermectin.

Just because a celebrity says she’s taking something doesn’t mean you should take it. Who knows if this celebrity even takes this drug, supplement, or whatever. Instead, trust real scientific sources like the NIH, CDC, or the World Health Organization (WHO). Listen to real, trusted doctors who can provide legitimate scientific evidence. They might not have a $ 60 million house by the river. They may not have made the front page with Dave Chappelle. But that doesn’t mean they’re stupid, does it?

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