Alex Jones hosted The One Show after a miscarriage


Alex Jones

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Alex Jones said his baby stopped growing around nine weeks old.

Alex Jones, the host of One Show, was in front of the camera just an hour after discovering that she had suffered a miscarriage in 2017, she revealed.

She had discovered that she was pregnant by visiting relatives of her husband, Charlie Thompson, in New Zealand.

Once back in the UK, a 14-week badysis revealed that she had had a miscarriage without symptoms.

She told Sunday Telegraph's Stella magazine that the baby had stopped growing after nine weeks.

Jones, 42, from Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, explained: "It was really hard, it hit us like a ton of bricks.

"It's really strange, you're in this room looking for answers you'll never get.

"Do you think:" Did I do something wrong? What did I do differently? Was it because we have come a long way? "Was I too stressed?" Did I put too much pressure on myself?

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An hour after learning that she had lost her baby, Jones had returned to television, even though her boss had told her that she did not need to do the show.

She explained that she had explained to her that she did not know what to do other than her job.

In 2018, she fell pregnant again but said she was having trouble relaxing and did not tell her news to anyone for a while.

She recently had a fright after not feeling the baby move for a few days and went to the hospital, where she shared an Instagram photo of her attached monitor.

She wrote: "If in doubt, the mammas ALWAYS check! It's so rebaduring to hear the heartbeat."

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