Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a surprisingly discreet response on Biden's behavior with women and girls: "Not necessarily between good and evil"


  • The new legislator, who has already expressed her disgust for the more centrist policy of the leader of 2020, avoided condemning Biden's actions or her response to women's accusations.
  • "Do people tend to interpret these situations as one way or another if it is a bad person or a good person? I do not think it's about it, "she said. "It's not about reason and trouble sometimes, it's just about feeling as if someone understands it or not."
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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a surprisingly mild response to recent comments by former Vice President Joe Biden on women and girls, which has infuriated many feminists.

The new legislator, who has already expressed her disgust for the more centrist policy of the leader of 2020, avoided condemning Biden's actions or her response to women's accusations.

"I do not think voters think that he's necessarily guilty of badual misconduct or anything of the sort," she says charges by several women that Biden improperly touched.

But, she added, "I think there might be some discomfort," mentioning Biden telling the brothers of a 13-year-old daughter at a campaign stoppage of " keep the guys away "from her.

Ocasio-Cortez described the tension around Biden's behavior as part of the "cultural evolution we are living in as a country" and stated that it was not "a problem". to be punitive ". But she added that Biden had not "necessarily convinced all the women" that he "had understood" and that he had no female elector "shut in".

"Do people tend to interpret these situations as one way or another if it is a bad person or a good person? I do not think it's about it, "she said. "It's not about reason and trouble sometimes, it's just about feeling as if someone understands it or not."

When asked whether the Democrats had "let Bill Clinton pbad on his treatment of women" in the 1990s, Ocasio-Cortez responded "probably" before starting to discuss how she was fighting against her. gender pay gap in his own congressional office with a new paid family. leave politics.

Read more: Joe Biden probably will not stop making comments that some people will find badist, but that will not necessarily hurt his campaign

"I would not look at this from the point of view of the partisans, I think it's part of the evolution of our country," Karl Ocasio-Cortez told reporters.

The congressman also did not take the opportunity to criticize Biden's position on abortion, but instead told Karl that she was "encouraged" by the recent Biden's turnaround on the Hyde amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion.

Ocasio-Cortez has repeatedly expressed support for Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. And she said on Sunday that if the Democrats did not name a presidential candidate "fighting for real transformational change in the lives of workers," there would be a "very real risk" of re-electing Trump.

Read more: Ted Cruz has just offered to work with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to make birth control available over-the-counter

The Progressive Bronx has more clearly condemned Biden's policy in recent months unequivocally. In May, Ocasio-Cortez labeled it a "contract breaker" when it was announced that the Biden campaign was taking a "halfway" approach in the fight against global climate change .

"There is no" middle ground "with climate denial and delay Blocking" blue-collar workers ", Americans are the main opponents of a bold climate policy. tweeted . "We will not solve the climate crisis with this lack of leadership, the lives of our children are at stake."

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See also:

SEE ALSO: Ted Cruz has just offered to work with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to make birth control available over-the-counter

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