Alliance for the recycling of plastics in Africa launched


General News on Friday, March 29, 2019



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Diageo, Unilever, The Coca Cola Company and Nestle launched the Africa Plastics Recycling Alliance at the African Leaders Forum in Kigali.

A statement said the Alliance aims to turn the current plastics waste challenge in sub-Saharan Africa into an opportunity to create jobs and business by improving plastics collection and recycling. .

The Africa Plastics Recycling Alliance was created to help companies facilitate and badist their local subsidiaries to proactively engage in public-private partnerships, collaborations and market alliances.

It is also about sharing knowledge, encouraging innovation and collaborating on appropriate technical and other solutions for sub-Saharan Africa and participating in local pilot initiatives, engaging in dialogue with the investment community, policy makers and other stakeholders to accelerate the development and financing of waste management infrastructure required. and systems.

"Plastics will remain an important packaging material if we want to give African consumers the safe and affordable products they need. Unfortunately, the lack of collection and recycling capacity in many African markets, coupled with population growth, is creating a growing problem of plastic waste, "the statement said.

"We see an opportunity to solve this problem in order to create jobs and reduce dependence on imported materials as alternatives to plastics are developed.

Collaboration within and between markets will be the key to success. We are proud to launch today the Alliance for Plastic Recycling in Africa to intensify these efforts and to play our role as companies in the search for effective solutions for the Africa, "he added.

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