AllTime finance boss donates 200 leadership books to national service program


Richard Kwarteng Ahenkorah, President and CEO of AllTime Finance, donated 200 copies of his leadership book to the National Service Scheme to encourage service providers to give their best time to the country. ;they serve.

The book, "Your Journey To The Top", seeks to develop the potential of employees to transform themselves, to transform their workplace, their society and their societies, and to prepare young people for leadership development. and more ambitious tasks.

The gift, which is part of his personal social responsibility, must also mark Mr. Ahenkorah's 42 years.North Dakota anniversary. The 200 works, worth GH ¢ 10,000, should be distributed to the regional and district libraries of the system offices.

As a career writer and corporate trainer, Mr. Ahenkorah is a pbadionate leader in governance, leadership and capacity building, personally engaged in the development of the next generation. He is also a strategic leadership speaker who believes in authentic leadership.

"The NSS should be a platform for training leaders and shaping the mindset for national development. We must shape attitudes. I earnestly hope that these books will go a long way in shaping attitudes and attitudes, not only for the development of the workplace, but also for the service and construction of the nation, "he said.

He addressed the Mini Congress of NASPA 2019 in Bolgatanga on June 8, 2019 on the theme "Youth involvement in national development, a path to a sustainable society", where he promised to donate to the NASPA and the NSS.

In his speech, he said that if Africa controlled 42% of the world's youth population by 2030 and that the youth population of Ghana would reach between 6 and 6.7 million people in the world. By 2030, young people had to prepare for take-off, and the foundations of governments had the right to engage young people in nation-building.

Professor Kofi Osei Akuoku and his Executive Director, the Honorable Mustapha Ussif, received the books on behalf of the NSS.

Mr. Ussif, in his speech, said the donation was going to have a huge impact because the author is a performer. "It's someone who has crossed the mill. He followed the same national and institutional service processes, working from one institution to the other and wrote a book. It will be very inspiring for many service people, "he said.

He added that it will also serve as a guide for service people to look forward to doing something for the country and for themselves. "This book can help people learn how he has managed to make things work for him and he will guide them so that they focus and be able to achieve something better than what he has." , he added.

He urged people in leadership positions to share their experiences, as many young people will learn from them. "I will encourage politicians to put their experiences on paper so others can read."

He thanked Mr. Ahenkorah for his gift, noting that he had arrived at a critical moment. "We are about to deploy service personnel across the country and we will use these books to motivate them. A book like this one will encourage him to offer all he has to offer to this country. "

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