AMA holds stakeholders engaged on sanitation and noise pollution


General News on Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Source: WADA


Adjei, mayor of Accra WADA Chief Executive Officer, Hon. Mohammed Adjei Sowah

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) held a stakeholder engagement day with residents of Ashiedu Keteke as part of efforts to improve sanitation and to reduce noise pollution in the area.

S Addressing Stakeholders, WADA President & CEO, Hon. Mohammed Adjei Sowah reiterated the Assembly's commitment to make Accra the cleanest city in Africa, as the President said, and urged citizens to support this vision.

He announced that the Assembly would strengthen, from Monday, April 15, 2019, the implementation of its regulations on waste in the city.

"With regard to waste, we are applying the law but we will intensify our application as of Monday. More than 200 people were prosecuted for various sanitation offenses in the first quarter of 2019, "he said.

The WADA official also revealed that the Assembly would pilot its waste sorting program in the Ashiedu Keteke metropolitan subregion in the coming days as part of efforts to sustainably manage the waste. waste in the city.

"People are sweeping and throwing garbage in the gutter and everything is gathering in the drain of the London market," he added, urging people to give up the law and hand over their waste to licensed waste collectors.

Explaining the regulations to stakeholders, WADA's Chief of Public Health, Mr. Victor Acquaye, indicated that the WADA regulations for 2017 oblige citizens to refrain from get rid of their garbage in unauthorized places. clean their immediate environment.

"If your house is closer to a gutter or the roadside, you have to clean this place because that's what the law says. This is not the work of the Assembly. Failure to do so will result in sanctions, "he said.

Talking about noise pollution, Mr. Acquaye revealed that the level of noise allowed in Accra by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was 55 decibels a day and 45 at night, and prompted everyone to join.

Responsible for Waste Management at WADA, Ing. Solomon Noye noted in a presentation that waste is the exclusive property of the Assembly and a resource. He urged residents to refrain from dumping their garbage in unauthorized areas and into the sewers, adding that all waste ends up polluting the ocean.

He also took the opportunity to educate residents about the effects of waste and poor sanitation.

The sub-metro communities include Ga Mashie, the Central Business District (CBD) and Agbogbloshie.

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