Amazon admits to employing workers to listen to Alexa conversations


Amazon admitted that when its Echo smart speakers were being used, one of the technology giant's employees could be listening.

The company employs thousands of people to listen to what is being said to the speakers, transcribe the recording, and then transcribe into the system the words that have been said.

This is done in order to help Alexa, the president's virtual badistant, to better understand human language and make it more effective in responding to commands.

Employees live in several countries, such as the United States, India, and Romania, according to Bloomberg, and reportedly have signed confidentiality agreements not to mention the program.

Two employees told Bloomberg that, although Amazon says it has procedures in place in case they hear criminal remarks, the company has already advised them in the past not to intervene.

Amazon said in a statement that it listened to only a small number of recordings and took confidentiality very seriously.

"Employees do not have direct access to information that identifies the person or account as part of this workflow.

"All information is treated with great confidentiality and we use multi-factor authentication to limit access, encryption of services and audits of our control environment to protect it."

He stated that the employees do not have access to the full names of the customer, his address or most other personal data. But they can see the serial number of the device and the Amazon account badociated with the device.

Nothing can be heard unless the device is activated by the user.


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