Amazon: dozens of employees fired at Amazon Game Studios


During the E3 2019, Amazon has "discreetly and dozens" fired by employees of the gaming sector, says Kotaku on the basis of information from the company's environment. Amazon Game Studios is currently working on New World, Crucible and new titles online. Affected employees have 60 days to look for new positions in the company. If they do not find a new job at Amazon at the end of the deadline, they should receive a severance pay. An affected person also stated that some non-advertised games projects had been canceled.

In a statement, the company confirmed the reorganization. "These actions are the result of regular business planning cycles in which we tailor resources to changing and long-term priorities," the report says. As a result, the development of New World, Crucible and other titles should be a priority. However, the company has reiterated its gambling commitment and wants to continue investing in Amazon, Twitch, Twitch Prime, AWS, Amazon Web Services, retail stores and other areas.

Amazon launched its games division in 2014. Since then, not much has come out. The title Breakaway (multiplayer fantasy sports game) was canceled in 2017 and Clint Hocking (Far Cry 2's game director) and Kim Swift (Portal's game director) again left the company. Only the Lumberyard engine (based on the CryEngine) can be touted as a respectable success (we reported).

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