Amazon staff will be on strike on the day of Day One on working conditions


The company refused to comment on the strike.

It is not certain how Amazon will react. Although Amazon is not likely to be upset by the large number of execution centers in the United States, the strike could draw attention to the lingering concerns that Amazon demands from its staff too leave it close. The company recently increased its minimum wage to $ 15 an hour, but this is mainly due to pressure from Senator Bernie Sanders and other litigators for laws that force Amazon and other companies accused of workers in need of labor.

The potential consequences of the strike also raise concerns. Amazon workers have recently lodged complaints with the National Labor Relations Commission alleging that the technology provider's staff provider, Integrity Staffing Solutions, fought back against the strikers by dismissing an organizer and deducting strike time of their quarterly vacation pay. Amazon said it did not know about these complaints, but suggests that strikers face sanctions if they dare to withdraw.

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