American anti-vaxxers quarantined after children contracted measles in the first case in Costa Rica for 13 years


Two American children not vaccinated by their parents contracted measles in Costa Rica, the first to come from the country for 13 years.

The Ministry of Health announced that it had tested four American children aged 3 to 10 years, who had symptoms of the disease after being treated in a clinic in the Cóbano region. Two of them were tested positive.

Parents, US citizens with five other children, have never vaccinated their children against measles.

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This is the first time an individual has contracted the measles virus while living in Costa Rica since 2006.

On Thursday, the National Patronage of War (PANI), the child protection agency of Costa Rica, placed the family of 11 people under a close quarantine in Cabuya de Cóbano to prevent them from spreading the virus.

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1/7 Charlie Sheen

Sheen has waged a legal battle against his wife Denise Richards to prevent her from vaccinating their children. Richards obviously won and Sheen would have been so bitter that he would have fully paid the pediatricians' nickel bill.


2/7 Gwyneth Paltrow

Paltrow's health and wellness company, Goop, hosted a renowned anti-vaccine speaker at its Goop 2018 Summit


3/7 Rob Schneider

Schneider falsely claimed that the US Supreme Court had ruled vaccines "inevitably dangerous" and demanded the freedom to refuse vaccination


4/7 Jenny McCarthy

McCarthy claimed that "people were dying of vaccination", thought that his son had caught autism through a vaccine and had publicly expressed his opinion on the subject for many years.

AFP / Getty

5/7 Bill Maher

Maher has long been arguing against vaccines claiming the flu vaccine was the worst thing to do at Larry King. His position seems to come from a mistrust towards the government

AFP / Getty

6/7 Alicia Silverstone

In Silverstone's book, The Kind Mama, she writes that "there is growing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have received scary phone calls from parents claiming that their child was" never the same. After receiving a vaccine. "


7/7 Andrew Wakefield

Patron of the anti-vax movement, the disgraced physician Andrew Wakefield published in 1998 an article in the Lancet medical journal, claiming a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.


1/7 Charlie Sheen

Sheen has waged a legal battle against his wife Denise Richards to prevent her from vaccinating their children. Richards obviously won and Sheen would have been so bitter that he would have fully paid the pediatricians' nickel bill.


2/7 Gwyneth Paltrow

Paltrow's health and wellness company, Goop, hosted a renowned anti-vaccine speaker at its Goop 2018 Summit


3/7 Rob Schneider

Schneider falsely claimed that the US Supreme Court had ruled vaccines "inevitably dangerous" and demanded the freedom to refuse vaccination


4/7 Jenny McCarthy

McCarthy claimed that "people were dying of vaccination", thought that his son had caught autism through a vaccine and had publicly expressed his opinion on the subject for many years.

AFP / Getty

5/7 Bill Maher

Maher has long been arguing against vaccines claiming the flu vaccine was the worst thing to do at Larry King. His position seems to come from a mistrust towards the government

AFP / Getty

6/7 Alicia Silverstone

In Silverstone's book, The Kind Mama, she writes that "there is growing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have received scary phone calls from parents claiming that their child was" never the same "after receiving a vaccine".


7/7 Andrew Wakefield

Patron of the anti-vax movement, the disgraced physician Andrew Wakefield published in 1998 an article in the Lancet medical journal, claiming a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.


"The children were treated at the CCSS (Social Security) clinic in Cóbano, had a fever since March 15 and rashes since the 18th," said the Ministry of Health in a statement.

It is suspected that children contracted measles from an American woman who visited the family before leaving the island on March 12.

Costa Rica officials said the national surveillance protocol would be used to determine whether additional measures should be taken to prevent the spread of the virus.

"There will be no measles outbreak in our country," said Daniel Salas Peraza, Minister of Health, Tico Times. "But of course, we do not want a child to suffer from measles or face the complications that can cause measles."

The Ministry of Health estimates that there is no relationship between the four suspected cases and the French family that reintroduced measles in Costa Rica last month. These cases, the first for Costa Rica since 2014, also involved an unvaccinated child.

He's trying to find out if infected American kids have been in contact with other people. They did not attend school in Costa Rica.

Patricia Vega, Executive President of PANI, said that the child protection agency had the power to impose vaccination on children who felt that their rights to health and safety education were threatened.

"We have already decided on our power to force children to get vaccinated. In this case, we ordered that the local office put in place a special protection process, which means that PANI visits the family to determine whether there has been a violation of children's rights; in this case, health and education, "said Ms. Vega. Q Costa Rica.

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According to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, measles is a viral infection of highly contagious airborne origin. It spreads when an infected person sneezes or coughs and the first symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes before the appearance of a rash.

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