American Idol Recap: Eliminations Duets of the season 17 – Performance of the watch


For the first time this season, Sunday American idol dimmed the lights to reveal (half of) singers heading for live episodes, returning three hopes to their home.


But that made the night much more depressing than it was. With a little help from some of the most recognizable voices in the music, including Jason Mraz, Shaggy and Pat Benatar, the Sunday episode offered us a handful of truly incredible duets.

But before we get to the results, let's take a look at tonight's performance. Judges do not seem to be hard on anyone, so forgive me in advance if one of my ranks (totally inconsistent) seems too harsh.

Walker Burroughs with Jason Mraz, "Have It All" | The first duet of the evening was a beautiful full circle moment for Burroughs, whose first-ever performance at the age of eight was that of Mraz's hit, "I'm Yours". (Other news, realizing that Burroughs was eight years old in 2007, I immediately turned into a pile of dust and was blown away by the wind.) Not surprisingly, he managed to match Mraz's message to nothing miss. The harmonies were tight. The dance was not.
Grade: A-

Kate Barnette with Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo, "Heartbreaker" | Having grown up listening to mostly Disney soundtracks and gospel music, Barnette was nervous about tackling this iconic song alongside the icons that brought her to life. But she went through, and the little bit that she nailed, she really nailed down. Honestly, the fact that she can even play the guitar back to back with Giraldo without falling to pieces is quite impressive.
Category B- (Click here to watch!)

Riley Thompson with Brett Young, "As I like you" | I do not really know who thought it would be a good idea to ask a 38-year-old man to do a romantic ballad with a 16-year-old girl, but on a strictly auditory level, I really enjoyed it. This was all the more impressive as it was about his very first duet, as it has been pointed out many times, that it was Thompson's Peak: sweet and gentle throughout, enamelled with well-placed surprises that highlighted the power of other facets of his voice.
Grade: A

Uche with Shaggy, "I need your love" | Now this was a couple who worked at all levels. The voice was not the most impressive, but it was the first performance that gave me the impression that I had been dropped in the middle of a concert. The two men of exposure were perfectly coordinated with the energy of each one, sharing the spotlight and giving themselves the opportunity to be noticed.
Grade: A- (Click here to watch!)

Madison Vandenburg with Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo, "We Belong" | Although I feel that Benatar has dominated Vandenburg for much of the song, I thought that she still managed to fend for herself. Frankly, it's his last note that really sold me. Either way, she has never been in danger of elimination.
Grade: B + (Click here to watch!)

Shawn Robinson with Elle King, "Proud Mary" | Poor Robinson. I take no pleasure in saying that this performance was kind of a mess, and not just because it jumped in an early couplet. (To his credit, he recovered well.) Robinson was nervous about getting into this one, thanks to a last-minute change of arrangement, and his fears finally came true. even though the judges chose to give it a largely positive return.
Grade: C + (Click here to watch!)

Ashley Hess with Jason Mraz, "I'm yours" | Hess felt that the kind of artist with whom Mraz would collaborate himself, so I had high hopes for this idle duo, who were absolutely satisfied. Hess's buttered voice melted perfectly into his, producing amazing harmonies and magical chemistry.
Grade: A +

Bumbly with Shaggy, "Angel" | First of all, I love the fact that Shaggy has been rigorously paired with named competitors tonight. I've always believed that the true beauty of American idol rests in its subtle nuances. Whatever it was, it was a little fun performance, and I understood that it gave Bumbly the opportunity to show his singing, even if most of the time.
Grade: A- (Click here to watch!)

Laci Kaye Booth with Brett Young, "Mercy" | I know I say it every week, but I can not even believe that Booth's voice is real, she's so perfect. Tonight we were all his mother sobbing in this audience. While other partners were eclipsed by their professional partners, Booth totally dominated this duet, drawing our attention and marveling us with these smoky songs.
Grade: A +

Hardy Wool with Elle King, "The Weight" | King badociates much more naturally with Hardy than Robinson, which translates into a well balanced rock'n'roll performance. But as nice as it was to see Hardy's family in the audience, I would have preferred a picture of King's. Whenever I remember that his father is Rob Schneider, my mind explodes again.
Grade: A-

Then came the part (a bit) difficult. Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan stood in front of the competitors and revealed the seven live episodes, announced in the following order: Laci Kaye Booth, Ashley Hess, Walker Burroughs, Madison Vandenburg, Uche, Riley Thompson and Laine Hardy. . Sunday's episode marked the end of Kate Barnette, Shawn Robinson and Bumbly.

Do you think the three good singers have been eliminated from the competition? Weigh through our survey below, then post a comment with your reviews of duets tonight.

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