Amidu should tackle bigger fish than suing Ayariga for 30,000 GH ¢ – Martin Kpebu


General News on Tuesday, May 28, 2019



Martin Kpebu Lawyer Martin Kpebu, Private Lawyer

Martin Kpebu, a private lawyer, wants Ghana's special prosecutor, Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu, to focus on bigger cases involving millions of people, instead of suing Bawku Central deputy, Mahama Ayariga, 30,000 GH.

According to him, in the TV3 New Day show, monitored by, Amidu is more likely to sue several million Ghanaian cedis than the 30,000 GH ¢ for which he sued Mahama Ayariga.

He agrees with the editor of the New Crusading Guide, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako, that Mr. Amidu is pursuing a personal vendetta against the legislator for facts that are not immediately known.

"I think this first case does not quite fit the bill of high-end crime. This is minor in the business scheme. That's why I wonder why he chose that one. In terms of customs duties, you know that there are so many agencies and even professional badociations where people benefit from exemptions and violence. So, in terms of the bill, it's small. You know that doctors, teachers and other categories of professionals have a derogation to import a car and that it is sold. So it is strange that Mr. Ayariga brought him to court, "he said.

He asked why Mr. Amidu would be wasting resources to pursue a small file that could easily be handled by the police when documents of larger corruption cases accumulate dust in his office.

Mr. Amidu sued the parliament member of Bawku's central district for being exempt from the tax on imported Toyota Landcruiser vehicles and illegal trading of foreign currency without a license.

The legislator would have transferred GHC6000 instead of GHC36000 to an agent in Dubai.

But Kpebu believes the sums involved are too modest and that Amidu should sue former and former corrupt candidates, who have squandered larger sums of money from the state.

He asked if Mr. Amidu was pursuing a personal vendetta to score cheap points.

"I always maintain that the money involved is small. These cases must go to the police, "he said.

Some members of the largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), described the special prosecutor's action as a personal vendetta aimed at denouncing Mr. Ayariga.

However, some elements of the ruling party, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), believe that the facts should be examined.

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