Amortization in Cedi: Too late for political criticism – Information Minister told a minority


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Information Minister Kojo Oppong-Nkrumah described a minority press conference as too late to discuss the state of the economy and the challenges facing the cedi.

While he was addressing reporters shortly after the minority had done the same thing in Parliament on Wednesday, the minister said that they were known not to have better alternatives and that they were not going to be better off. it was not surprising that they offered none.

"The essence of their presentation today is essentially that the cedi depreciated and the importers took a hit. This is an already recognized point and the government has already made efforts to remedy the situation.

"The Bank of Ghana (BoG) has presented its short-term measures. The Minister of Finance has announced medium-term measures and you are starting today to witness a gradual recovery of the Ghana cedi.

"The cedi is therefore gradually returning and this minority is trying to make political decisions with a little delay," said the minister, also member of Parliament for Ofoase-Ayirebi.

The minority believes that the government is doing a bad job of managing the economy

The minority took advantage of its press conference to ask the government to present a new budget to Parliament, the one that was presented in November 2018 can not be invoked "as the real master plan on which the economy is managed".

Citing last week's sharp depreciation of the cedi, finance spokesman Ato Forson said the move had "laid the foundation for a failed economy and projections for it, such as". They are included in the 2019 budget.

"So it undermined confidence in the economy, which also sends wrong signals to investors. This calls for urgent measures to be taken by government to restore the economy, "he added.

However, Mr Oppong-Nkrumah found their proposals ridiculous, especially at a time when the cedi began to gradually recover against its main currency, the dollar.

Kojo cedi


The cedi rose from 5.6 last week to 5.4 cedis on Wednesday.

He also accused the minority of making badertions that always tend to be false. "You remember the minority's claim that Ghana was literally sold to Franklin Templeton on the first issue of the $ 2.25 bond and all the ensuing hubbub, totally unfounded. You remember the minority's contention that the ESLA bond transaction would be a failure and that at the end of the transaction the figures presented were also unfounded.

"You remember the minority's prediction that a 1983 famine resembled that of a minority before the 2017 mid-year budget review, a prediction that did not happen either. You remember that the minority had planned an increase in VAT, which also failed. You remember that the minority had written to the IMF to declare that the Synohydro transaction was a loan and that the IMF's response declined the invitation because it was not the case.

Mr. Oppong-Nkrumah said that it was not surprising that the minority could not come up with a better economic badysis because it is known that she always "pbaded the bar" in previous attempts .

He is confident that recent efforts by the Government, in addition to the publication of the $ 3 billion bond "As well as some of the other medium-term elements that have been described will lead to a possible reversal of the recent shocks to the currency."

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