Amperity Client Data Management Company Raises $ 50 Million – TechCrunch


Amperity Announces Raising $ 50 Million in Series C Financing

The company offers what co-founder and CEO Kabir Shahani said was the ability "to remotely ingest each atomic data linked to a customer and bademble it into a 360 client".

Shahani (pictured above with his co-founder and CTO, Derek Slager) explains that a company with a credit card can start sending targeted offers based on the customer's business, while that a retailer could start sending promotions to online customers only to bring them to physical stores.

And to make it clear: it's all about using the basic data collected by the brand itself, not third-party data purchased from other companies. In fact, when I raised this issue, Shahani said that he had a "very strong belief and conviction of the sanctity of the relationship between the consumer and the brands."

Amperity says that in 2018, its annual recurring revenue grew 355% over the previous year. Although the startup was only launched in 2016, it already has an impressive list of customers such as Starbucks, Gap Inc., TGI Fridays and Planet Fitness.

Shahani said that when they join Amperity, most of these companies are already trying to use customer data to improve their messaging, but are not able to do so 'in a frequent way, in real time and at the present time. , "And they do not effectively merge data from different channels into a single profile.

He also stated that although Salesforce and Adobe have announced their intention to enter this market, it was a "kind of announcement of intent": "There is no real customer behind, no real use case is deployed. "

As major marketing networks develop their offerings, Shahani suggested that Amperity would always have the benefit of a "network effect," with companies recommending each other's platform for the company and also enjoying an interest in the stand-alone "best-in" solution. "clbad".

"The phenomenon of cloud marketing from 10 years to 15 years has certainly burned many companies," said Shahani.

Amperity has now raised a total of $ 87 million. The new funding comes from Tiger Global Management, Goldman Sachs, Declaration Partners, Madera Technology Partners, Madrona Venture Group and investor Lee Fixel (who previously supported Amperity in its role at Tiger).

"It's exciting to see this team realize its vision and develop the deep technical capabilities needed to become the leader in the category," Fixel said in a statement.

The money should help Amperity strengthen its sales and marketing. Shahani said he had only begun to seriously hire a sales team a year ago and had hired his first marketing director for up to three months.

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